Speaker-Phone Plasma Applet


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This is my first plasma applet, kde4 project. I wrote it because I needed it. There are programs of this type for VoIP/SIP phones but I found none for POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service).

You need kde4 and qt4 dev packages to build. Expand the tar file and cd to the directory.
This applet will only work on Linux. Modem commands are for a Hayes compatable speakerphone modem with a Rockwell 336 chip but should work for most others as well. Edit any needed in phoneapplet.h.

Build like any cmake build:
mdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install (as root)

Then run
(You may also need to restart plasma.)

unlock widgets, add phoneapplet widget.

1. The ring monitor thread (from xringd) does not terminate and is still running when the object is destroyed (not nice but I've seen no ill effects).
2. QMessageBox is not showing the stock icons for information, error, etc.
3. The phone buttons are getting alt/# shortcuts even though I did not ask for these in the qt4 designer and they do not show there. No harm but they simply clutter add nothing to the UI.
4. Fax operations can leave the ring-monitor thread not detecting rings.
Phone can still be answered using the flash/pickup button and monitor reactivates in time or next login.
This is an issue in xringd as well. Solution comes with solution to 1--restart after fax.

The future:
1. Caller ID. The program can support this but the modem and the phone line must as well. Mine do not.
Last changelog:

New in 0.20:
1. Configuration dialog. This is not carved in stone, ideas on what to configure and how to present it
are welcome. "Label" buttons on left side are all active, either bringing up file dialogs for choice,
help screens, or test sound or dial quick-dial number.
2. Quick-dial numbers #0 .. #9. Confgure from dialog or enter as #05551212 for #0 to dial 5551212.
3. Call history. Enter or the arrows on the phone dialog enter the history and one can choose a number.
4. Drag and drop--drag a phone number to the icon and place call.
5. Right clock context menu for configuration, etc.
6. Various corrections and tweaks.

New in 0.30:
1. Icon now responds in standard manner to mouse hover.
2. CMakeLists.txt changed for KDE4.2. Recompile and reinstall!
3. There is an icon for contacts but this will not work as of yet.

New in 0.40:
1. Fax capabilities using command-line or other utilities. Efax and imagemagick, available on most distros, or equivalents are used. Note that fax receive functions have not been fully tested becauses I cannot send myself a fax.
2. Configuration uses plasma standard configuration dialog.
3. Refactoring, preparation for translations.

New in 0.90-rc
Program is now feature complete!
1. Ready of Akonadi Plasma dataengine when this is released.
This can be svn'd from the kde playground but this code can be troublesome.
To use dataengine, Akonadi must be installed and configured to serve KAbc contacts.
2. Quick dial and call history have user-friendly text:number capability.
3. Quick dial extended as local addressbook, the first 10 are quick-dial.
4. Quick dial/local addressbook merged into contacts search.
5. Live contacts search by typing name.
6. Number/name typein box resizes front to show longer text strings.

Ratings & Comments



I've a working winmodem (slamr), but the applet say "Incompatable Linux version" on startup


Fire up the qt4 designer and change it. Show me what you did and maybe I will like it! Icons are all stock kde-themed icons and are set in the sources using KIcon. Want to roll your own? Again, maybe I'll like them much better! (Sort of ran out of choices here.) Enjoy the plasmoid and have run making nicer graphics!


Idea is great but graphic is ugly

0 Affiliates
version 0.90-rc (for KDE4.2)
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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