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Ruber is an IDE for the Ruby programming language written in Ruby itself and using the KDE 4 ruby bindings.

It is plugin-based, so users can extend it adding the functionality they like. Being written in ruby, plugins are very easy to create.

Installation instructions

Install ruby ( Ruber works with both ruby 1.8.7 and ruby 1.9.x
Install rubygems (note that ruby 1.9 already includes it)
Install the kde ruby bindings (korundum) version 4.5.2 or greater
as superuser, issue the command `gem install ruber` to download Ruber directly from or `gem install ruber-0.0.x.gem` if you downloaded it from here (note that gem will need to download other dependencies from the net)
Last changelog:

Ruber 0.0.10


Added a RI plugin. You can now insert the class or method name in the RI tool widget
and see the documentation in a nice HTML format inside the tool widget itself.
This plugin requires RDoc version 3.x (it isn't tested with version 2.x)
Added an IRB plugin
The syntax checker plugin has been rewritten. Now other plugins can check the
syntax of a document
Ruby and YAML syntax checker now are in their own plugin, rather than being part
of the syntax checker plugin
The auto end plugin doesn't use indentation anymore to decide whether the end keyword
should be inserted or not. Instead, it performs a syntax check and only inserts
end if ruby reports a missing end keyword. This should improve the accuracy of
the plugin
The Auto End plugin now inserts the end keyword after a case expression
Clicking on a file name in an output widget with the middle mouse button now
prevents the tool widget from being hidden, as if the pin button were clicked
Changed the interface to specify patterns in the RSpec plugin
The RSpec plugin now supports specs inside subdirectories. You can also specify
subdirectories inside the pattern to match code file and the respective spec
When choosing the Run Specs for Current File action in the RSpec plugin, if the current
document is associated with a code file, all the specs associated with it are
run (previously, only one of them was run)
When choosing the Run Current Spec action in the RSpec plugin, if the current
document is a code file, the plugin will look at the most recently activated
editor containing a spec file for the current file to determine which is the
current spec
The behaviour of output widgets when clicking on a file name which requires
opening a new editor has changed. The choice made by the user to open the editor
in the current tab by splitting the current editor is ignored if the current
tab already contains more than one editor. The reason is that usually there
won't be enough space on the sceen to comfortably accomodate more than two

Bug fixes

Do not crash when closing with unsaved files
Horizontal scrollbar in the RSpec tool widget will be displayed when the spec
description is larger than the widget but the rest of the text isn't

Ruber 0.0.9

It is now possible to have more than one open project at the same time
When a project is active, only the editors associated with it are visibile
Editors not associated with a project are visible only when there's no active project
Made the Auto End plugin recognize some other keywords: unless, for, while,
until (the last two were already recognized when followed by a do)
The RSpec plugin now correctly displays pending examples
Fixed a crash when creating a new document and saving it as a ruby file while using the Syntax Checker plugin

Ruber 0.0.8
New features:

Added a new plugin: Auto End, which automatically inserts end keywords after
module, class, if...
Added a button to prevent clicking on a file in a tool widget to close it
while opening the file (replaces the use of the Meta key for the same scope)
Allow to open a new editor when clicking on a file name in a tool widget with
the Meta key pressed
Added horizontal scrollbars to the RSpec tool widget
Unified Replaced Switch to File and Switch to Spec menu entries in the
Ruby/Test menu
Added an option to have the Switch to Spec menu entry create the editorin
the current tab (by splitting the current editor), so you can have code and
spec side by side (mostly useful for people with widescreens)
The Command plugin is now able to show output sent to standard output and
standard error
Added menu entries (with the corresponding shortcuts) to move between split
views in the current pane
Disabled autoscrolling in tool widgets if the scroll bar is not at the end
Fixed a crash when attempting to customize shortcuts
Fixed a crash with nested views
Ruber 0.0.7
More than one view for each document allowed
More than one view in a single tab allowed
Close buttons on tabs (optional)
Terminal program is now configurable

Ruber 0.0.6
Allow Ruber to work with remote files
Fixed a bug causing a crash from the Choose Plugins dialog in case of an error
Fixed a bug causing Ruber to sometimes look for plugins in the directory installation of a previous version
Made the rake plugin depend on the autosave plugin

Ruber 0.0.5
Fixed a but causing a crash when opening files

Ruber 0.0.4
Fixed another couple of critical bugs

Ruber 0.0.3
Skipped for technical reasons

Ruber 0.0.2
This releases fixes a single, but extremely important, bug which caused Ruber
to fail start unless the directory $KDEHOME/share/apps/ruber (which is created
by Ruber itself) already existed.

Ratings & Comments



Why is 'kio' needed? Debian packages doesn't include this or I've made a mistake to install it. Is it possible to run ruber with all features without kio?


kio is part of the KDE ruby bindings (korundum). I don't know how debian package korundum, but I think that it should contain it. On my system, I have and kio.rb installed in the same directory as and korundum4.rb, that is, respectively in /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/i686-linux/ and /usr/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/KDE/. As far as why it is needed: it provides several widgets, including the file requester widget. And no, you can't use Ruber without it. Again, I'm fairly sure it should be included in the korundum package. Just for information, which is your version of the KDE ruby bindings?


Version: 4:4.4.5-3 Package: libkde4-ruby1.8 And following libraries and ruby-files are included: /usr/lib/kde4/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/x86_64-linux/ /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/KDE/korundum4.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/khtml/khtml.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/ktexteditor/ktexteditor.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/nepomuk/nepomuk.rb /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/solid/solid.rb Then I have to create my own debian package ;-) if I need the plugins. I've commented the line with 'kio' and it works without the plugins. Perhaps the packages will be extended after the release of debian 6.0 (squeeze) I hope so ...


I forgot that the KIO library was put in a separate file in KDE 4.5, so if you're using 4.4, you don't need it. Since Ruber is also supposed to work with KDE 4.4, I'll fix the issue. Thanks for reporting the problem.


Debian packages could be very divided ... ... and it is version 4.4, exactly 4.4.5. Thanks

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version 0.0.10
downloads 24h 0
mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 2

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