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This is a simple and non elegant frontend for Cwiid. Cwiid allows you to use your WiiMote as a Mouse.

I am not a programmer. I have never touched Python or QT4 before this and I'm sure it shows. Your feedback is welcome just know it may take a while as I'm just learning.

This project is hosted by PCLinuxOSFiles.com a project that is devoted to making PCLinuxOS easier to use and Linux in general by supporting people learning to program, like me through hosting small projects.

Qwiimote will be maintained until:

1. Something better comes out
2. It's fully Stable and really easy to use.

Look for PCLinuxOS RPMS soon and SRC rpms (for you other guys)

Please support the Cwiid Project by your donations.


I am in no way affiliated with the Cwiid project, but I think it's the Bees Knees.

Last changelog:

Release 0.0.1 Initial Release
A Dirty little frontend to Cwiid. The program writes to a log file in /var which is good but it's also used for finding the status of why the wiimote didn't connect. I know this could be done more easily through using stndout but I don't know how to do that as of yet. WIll work on that for the Future release.

Release 0.0.1b
Notice that Wiimote Connect was different then WiiMote Disconnect. Change to look the Same.

Release 0.0.2
Still haven't figured out stdrout, but I'm working on it. Made qwiimote exicutible on it's own without the Desktop file. wiimote still needs to be in the same directory however. I've also place a check for root user. If you're not a root user then you will be made to exit. The Desktop file calls kdesu. Being root is needed as I load a module, write to /var and the wiimote driver requires to be ran as root.

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I help out from time to time on the cwiid project. In the svn source (and a soon to be released newer version), the power button on the wiimote will cause a somewhat graceful disconnect. In future versions you won't need the disconnect wiimote button (simply inform the user of this behavior). A feature I'd like to see is the ability to choose which configuration to use, either at connect or for all connects for that session. I don't know python that well, but enough to help you out a little. It would also be nice if there was realtime log output (ie wiimote connected using config ir_ptr, etc).


Thanks for the feed back. I am just learning, but I do have plans for creating a configuration dialog to create a config file. Thank you for any work you have done on the Cwiid project. It's fun stuff. I don't even own a Wii, I just bought the remote ;)


I wish I had a Wii, but I've only got a wiimote as well. When I get some time I plan on writing an awesome LED plugin. There are some really awesome ideas for the future of cwiid. I don't know c that well, so I'm a bit slow in doing stuff. Cwiid is actually the first open source project I've worked on (more brainstorming and planning than coding at this point). There is a page on the Traac page where people can upload and download different configurations for the wiimote. It would be cool is to have qwiimote list and be able to download the configs from this page, and treat it as a central configuration repository. That's enough of me telling you what I think you should do. If I make any additions to qwiimote do you just want me to e-mail you the diff file?


By all Measn yes. It's written in python just send me the Py file. I'll give you all the credit. I have't had time to do anything with this and some progress would be great.


This is great! :-O More features! :P cleaner gui :D tango bluetooth icon?


I'll do my best. Like I said, I'm by any means no pro.


why tango icon? its not gnome... use an oxygen icon instead :P


I'm just calling a name to the Icon not the actual icon in the Desktop file. Whatever the default theme is it should be using that Icon. So you must have tango installed for it to be using a Tango Icon.


I like tango...


Well if it's your default IconSet then you should be set ;)


Hey, If you're familiar with QT Designer then I am more then willing to take a look at your designs. I'll give credit where it's due!

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version 0.0.2
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