Description: Amarok has a builtin function for setting the icon for folders (the one that displays in Konqueror etc) to be the cover image for the album it contains. However, it only works if you let it reorganise your music.
This script will scan the current directory and sub directories for music, and set all the folder icons where it can determine that the folder contains tracks from just one album.
This works best if you store your albums in a flat structure e.g.
/path/to/your/music/artist name - album name/
## Installation ##
Copy the script to your main music directory, and make it executable:
At a terminal:
$ chmod +x ''
## Usage ##
At a terminal:
$ cd /to/your/music/folder $ ./
python ./
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./", line 35, in ?
import sqlite3
ImportError: No module named sqlite3
but sqlite3 (3.5.7-1)and python-sqlite (1.0.1-7) are already installed.
This is not an Amarok Script, it's just a script that can be used with Amarok.
Please change the category, otherwise users will get errors when they try to download it with the script manager.
You mean it should make a copy of image in the folder? That seems messier to me. You can locate the cover image by looking at the .directory file.
Also, I may be getting myself into trouble with Amazon copyright. Currently Amarok handles the Amazon copyright issues itself, and it seems safer to leave it that way.
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python ./ Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 35, in ? import sqlite3 ImportError: No module named sqlite3 but sqlite3 (3.5.7-1)and python-sqlite (1.0.1-7) are already installed.
This is not an Amarok Script, it's just a script that can be used with Amarok. Please change the category, otherwise users will get errors when they try to download it with the script manager.
Thanks, I didn't realise that Amarok's Get Hot New Stuff linked into kde-apps. I've fixed it now.
hi, thank you for this great script. just one thing that would be cool is, if it could copy the cover to the folder and link it as folder icon.
You mean it should make a copy of image in the folder? That seems messier to me. You can locate the cover image by looking at the .directory file. Also, I may be getting myself into trouble with Amazon copyright. Currently Amarok handles the Amazon copyright issues itself, and it seems safer to leave it that way.
i don't think copying the covers would mess it up, but the amazon thing is an argument.
you know that the extension you want to have basically exists? try out copycover! mfg enaut
You are right - I only discovered CopyCover ( after I wrote this. In fact, I probably wouldn't have written this script if the description of CopyCover on included the fact that it had a mode that worked for tracks that are not currently playing.