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Available as/for:
DVD AUthoring tool
Depends :

XINE (optional)

TO LAUNCH USE : ./2ManDVD -graphicssystem raster
Last changelog:


The biggest change in this release is how you compile / execute the program. These changes have been made to end a number of bugs attributed to improper installation files used by the application.

So after get the source and unpack ... run in console:

qmake or qmake-qt4 (on fedora)

and finally:

sudo make install

And I stress the make install (as root)

Then you can start the application from your main menu (kde & gnome tested)

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OpenSuSE 12.2 x64, KDE 4.9.2 , Gnome 3.4. Launching the app : two@black:~> 2ManDVD -graphicssystem raster LOCALE : "en" ERROR CREATING FOLDER FOR 2MANDVD LIBRARY "/home/two/.2ManDVD_Library" ERROR LOADING ENGLISH LANGUAGE Segmentation fault two@black:~> The app has actually created the folder nevertheless it stated "error creating folder". Any help is welcome.


If you speak french there is now a tip of the day on website


Well, for some reason I enjoy being frustrated. I keep coming back to this program, thinking eventually I might be able to use it again. I am using the latest version with Mint 12. Well, the program still doesn't generate an iso. What is the problem and why doesn't anyone address it? This can be a very good program but the support is very poor. Someone please tell me what to do to correct this problem.


Hi, when I start a preview of slideshow presentation I dont' see nothing. On terminal: Quote:

./2ManDVD -graphicssystem raster LOCALE : "it" "/home/xxxxxx/2ManDVD" KGlobal::locale::Warning your global KLocale is being recreated with a valid main component instead of a fake component, this usually means you tried to call i18n related functions before your main component was created. You should not do that since it most likely will not work LAUNCH PARAMETERS = 2 2 QGLTempContext: No GL capable X visuals available. SYSTEM OVERLAY : false DIRECT RENDERING : TRUE DOUBLE BUFFERING : FALSE <--> OOPS WARNING <--> OPENGL SUPPORT : TRUE OPENGL SAMPLE LAYER : FALSE ... YOU COULDN T USE ANTIALIASING TEXTURE_SIZE= 1024 QGLTempContext: No GL capable X visuals available. QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. QGLContext::makeCurrent(): Cannot make invalid context current. ...etc
Any ideas? Thanks, Gaspare.


Solved! I have a problem with openGL from NVIDIA driver. Thanks.


When rendering process skips between slide 1 and 2 application crashes. When I start it from terminal I have following: Quote:

/usr/bin/2ManDVD: line 2: 5290 Segmentation fault /opt/2ManDVD/2ManDVD -graphicssystem raster
Version 1.7.1 under Chakra.


Try the git branches until i release the 1.7.2 git clone git:// Stéphane


After update it's still the same. What can I do to help you improve stability?


This is the output of gdb: Quote:

#0 0xb6603b72 in QString::trimmed() const () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #1 0xb65e72a3 in QLocalePrivate::stringToLongLong(QString const&, int, bool*, QLocalePrivate::GroupSeparatorMode) const () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #2 0xb66040cb in QString::toLongLong(bool*, int) const () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #3 0xb6604306 in QString::toInt(bool*, int) const () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #4 0x0820b533 in mainfrm::f_load_diapo(int) () No symbol table info available. #5 0x0820cf37 in mainfrm::f_play_diapo_boucle() () No symbol table info available. #6 0x0821c250 in mainfrm::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) () No symbol table info available. #7 0xb66b69da in QMetaObject::metacall(QObject*, QMetaObject::Call, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #8 0xb66c693f in QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, QMetaObject const*, int, void**) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #9 0xb66cc927 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #10 0xb66cc9dc in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #11 0xb66c5644 in QObject::event(QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #12 0xb69190f4 in QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #13 0xb691dd60 in QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #14 0xb66b034b in QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject*, QEvent*) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #15 0xb66e05d1 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #16 0xb66dd2b4 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #17 0xb58ef532 in g_main_context_dispatch () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #18 0xb58efd10 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #19 0xb58effc4 in g_main_context_iteration () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #20 0xb66dda0f in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #21 0xb69cb6a5 in ?? () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #22 0xb66af519 in QEventLoop::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #23 0xb66af7ba in QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #24 0xb66b4202 in QCoreApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #25 0xb6916f47 in QApplication::exec() () from /usr/lib/ No symbol table info available. #26 0x0805ce88 in main () No symbol table info available.


IMHO this bug is related to nvidia driver. On clean system without dedicated nvidia driver process of rendering goes properly except total time of slideshow. Duration is 17:52 instead 23:59. Could someone explain me why?


The difference in length is due to transition, for an example if you have : 2 slide of 4 sec with transitions of 1 second for each one : 4s + 4s - 1s (for first trans) -1s (for second trans) = 6s .... the slideshow will have a length of 6 sec. Transitions are applied on slide length they are not cumulated like in the firsts release.... Stéphane


I'm afraid that there is some kind of bug in algorithm adjusting slideshow duration to lenght of soundtrack. If I have 354 slides with transitions of 1 second for each one (except the last one), soundtrack which lenght is 1439 seconds and I adjust lenght of slideshow to lenght of soundtrack the total time of slideshow shows in app should be 1792 seconds (1439 seconds for soundtrack's lenght + 354 for transition of each slide - 1 second, because the last slide hasn't got transition). However, time of slideshow shows in app is 1416 seconds (1439 seconds - total slideshow's lenght, divide by 354 - total quantity of slides, it's aproximately 4 seconds; 354 pcs multiply by 4 seconds = 1416 seconds). Additionaly from that time (1416) is substracted transitions time (354). As a result of that lenght of output file is aproximately 18 minutes. I'm going to confirm that after making a test.


I have become rather frustrated with this program. It used to work but the updates have killed the copy I have. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, compiled and still cannot get it to work. If it's not the its some error referred too in logfile.txt. Can no one advise me on this? I really like this program, but for some time now have been unable to make use of it.


thank you very much buddy


Well, I hope someone is still monitoring this forum. I have a problem with not being able to generate an ISO. I do not receive any type of error during the render process. It goes through the motions, taking the time to create, but upon the completion I am left with nothing. Trying to view shows nothing, and generating ISO or burn to DVD the same. I checked against the dependencies list and seem to have everything needed. This only began with an update to the newest version. I use the program a lot and really would like to continue using it. Any suggestions or help?


Hi I also see a similar issue. The iso is created but it is 0 bytes in size, therefore useless. I have only just tried this app for the 1st time today and it looks promising but this is a show stopper. Using openSUSE 11.4 64bit. Strangely the app reports "WARNING ! Missing dependancies :FFMPEG" on start which is erroneous as ffmpeg has been installed for years. Hope someone can shed some light on this. Dave


Let us know if you get a repsonce. thanks.


i have the same Problem, the video files where generating but they has always 0bytes, and so the iso can´t be generated


i have found a way to get the isos working, i have converted the videos in avidemux with wright PAL dimensions "720x576" and set the wright aspect ratio 16:9 or 4:3 and added this vids to 2mandvd and all works great!!


Snap buttons to grid?


Hi, I got the following log (2mandvd 1.5.3 on gentoo); but only if I edit the Overlay -> with default Overlay it works: #cat logiso.txt I: -input-charset not specified, using iso-8859-15 (detected in locale settings) genisoimage: Argument list too long. Failed to read VIDEO_TS.IFO #du -a|grep VIDEO_TS.IFO 4 ./RESULT/VIDEO_TS/VIDEO_TS.IFO OR ist there an other way to have a border as button? Regards horsthilft


Hi, when I save a slideshow project in 16.9 format, after when I try to open it will be in 4:3 format (!) and it' impossible to revert to 16:9 format again. Any solution? Thanks Gaspare.


Slideshow don't work. Produces only black video to little mega with music; also in high, medium, format. First problem was only in HD format: in 1.4.4 is ever. Where is the log file? Thanks.


The same here. With 1.4.2 and 1.4.3 produced slideshow clips, MPEG4 HD did not work at all, but MPEG2 worked fine. Now just a black clip in MPEG2 and 0bit clips in MPEG4 HD.


I have compiled and installed successfully 2Mandvd 1.4.2, but the about window still report 1.4.1 version.

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version 1.8.5
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