Quick Usb Formatter
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Extract the tarball to a folder an compile it as follow:
mkdir build && cd build
sudo make install
The source code it is hosted in a Git repositori and can be found here:
For report bugs, use the Chakra GNU/Linux bugtracker:
0.1 First implementeation
0.2 Support for ext2/etx3 filesystems, added catalan translation
0.3 Fix typos, added Italian by Gianluca Boiano. Thanks!
0.4 Fix segfault, added question before actually formatting, debug string fixes.
0.4.1 Bugfixing
Ratings & Comments
Hi, everyone! Good day, good year for all! Can't download Quick USB Formatter from Opendesktop. Can someone help?
Spanish traduction file https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B63pISMLaAAgUnF3M0FoRXRhYkk/edit?usp=sharing
We handle the translations via Transifxes https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/chakra-project/ Anyway the project is stalled until we backport a partitioner into KDE's Solid.
Garah I do not use kde 4.7, I use 4.6.5 but I think someone in earlier post complained of problems with the solid, I'm also having trouble with the command passed to format the pendrive, the error already sent to developers, but I I can never contact the staff of chakra, I think that's why I use Mandriva (I even downloaded the chakra but it is corrupted, I try to download again and keep in touch with the staff, this tool is interesting and deserves to go by default in kde
When I try to format any USB device I always get this error: "Formating process failed ..." If I do: cat /var/log/messages.log | grep quick I get: Oct 31 21:08:38 gaara kernel: [ 2318.724508] quickusbformatt[2830]: segfault at 8 ip b739fce8 sp bfe343e0 error 4 in libsolid.so.4.7.0[b737a000+d1000] Could you help me please? I use ArchLinux. Thanks. PS:Sorry for my English is not my primary language.
I was able to compile on Mandriva 2011, but not formatting. the following message appears: en and translation not being detected ****************** DETECTED USB DEVICES ("/dev/sdd1") ********************************************** >> Volume is unmounted **** FORMATTING AS FAT 32 EXEC COMMANDS : mkdosfs ("-n", "TESTE", "-v", "/dev/sdd1") UNABLE TO FORMAT
I compiled from git on Kubuntu 11.10. When I click on the "USB Format" option in the Device Notifier it automatically mounts the device. Then the device can no longer be formatted since it's mounted. Is this some kind of bug in this program or Kubuntu? Or am I the problem? Thanks for creating it. I have tried Chakra before but I found that it would not work properly with my network card (RTL8187b)! Otherwise, it was a very good and innovative distro.
Adapted to openSUSE 11.4 http://www.forosuse.org/forosuse/showthread.php?t=26069&page=4
Download http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?coj04992ud3ni71
I just installed it on Kubuntu 11.04 with KDE SC 4.6.4 and had to change: X-KDE-Solid-Predicate=IS StorageAccess to: X-KDE-Solid-Predicate=[[[StorageVolume.usage == 'FileSystem' AND StorageVolume.ignored == 'false'] OR [IS StorageAccess AND StorageDrive.driveType == 'Floppy']] OR StorageVolume.ignored == false] To get it to show in the Device Notifier. I don't know why "StorageDrive.driveType == 'Floppy'" is needed, but I couldn't get to to work otherwise. I'm not very experienced in editing device predicates so it could most likely be written smarter ;-) /Thomas
Hi, I would love to see this in the main kde stream. Sometimes it is not more needed than this little tool. Keep up the good work. Here I made a german translation: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/350182/ best Martin
Hi I did my colleague, the translation into Portuguese of Brazil, the link is http://www.4shared.com/file/EYDk0PUr/pt_Br.html I will compile a version for the night Mandriva 2011 and 2010.2 (I'm at work now: P) translation by ALisson Oliveira Wesley Junior
Added in this version 4.1 was created by users translations?
Hello. I still can not format using the program as a normal user on Kubuntu 10.04. I suppose it could be a polkit configuration problem. Do you know if my user must belong to some group to have privileges? Thanks.
try adding your user to the disk group. remember that the next version will be integrated to polkit... ... or else run kdesu quickusbformatter :D. good luck ps: sorry by my english.
Yes, it was necessary to belong to the group "disk ". After adding my user to that group and re-login, it worked as normal user. Thanks. PD: Ningún problema con el inglés, el mío no es bueno de todas formas.
ppa + package to kubuntu 11.04 - 10.10 - 10.04 http://www.lffl.org/2011/02/quick-usb-formatter-formattare-la.html thanks
I just installed quick usb formater and I can start it only with "kdesu quickusbformatter". How to integrate this app in device notifier like in your second screenshot?
Look the previous comments, the answer it's there if you are using Kubuntu or derivated distros, they don't respect the vanilla kde paths so the desktop should be placed in another folder, we will fix soon.
Please use device name instead of device path ;) More user friendly.
Well device path it's something like /dev/sdb1 wich in fact it's the filesystem path to the device mountpoint so "Device name" it's not pretty accuratted here
This tiny app it's being re-written to support Polkit, and we will add it also the feature to write ISO images to a usb stck with dolhpin integration, etc... thanks for the feedback :)
It would be fine to add an option to install grub too ;)
Excellent, thank you. The solid actions path in Kubuntu is: /usr/share/kde4/apps/solid/actions/ It would be better if you can add a confirmation dialog warning about that you will lose all data when you click "apply format" (for distracted people) Goodbye.