Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Komparator is an application that searches and synchronizes two directories. It discovers duplicate, newer or missing files and empty folders.
It works on local and network / kioslave protocol folders (like smb:/, ftp://, media:/)
* Potential bug leading to random crashes fixed (thanks to google01103)
* Fixed copy to clipboard
* Newest kdatecombo.[h][cpp]
* Potential bugs leading to random crashes fixed
* Spanish translation (thanks to Lucio Martínez)
* Updated to newest kfind
* Bug excluding randomly large files from lists fixed
* Czech translation (thanks to Pavel Fric)
* small updates of the search engine to more recent KDE version
* bug (deleting custom preset sometimes impossible) fixed
* run KIO commands from GUI thread as KIO is not thread-save (fix random crashes)
* workaround for random crashes when deleting files
* preserve modification time stamp on get/put kioslave protocols
* files aren't executed on selection (single click setting)
* "--minimized" command line option
* KDE 4.5 compatibility
* resize columns in list view enabled
* updated documentation screenshots
* fixed sorting by size and time stamp
* accelerated empty directory search
* fixed performance issue for large number of files
* fixed window close problem
* new error list dialog (only open one error dialog at a time)
* fixed md5 checksum problem
* initial release
Ratings & Comments
Hi! You have added konqmimedata.h include in komparatorwidget.cpp, but you are not looking for libkonq in CMakeLists
Thanks for your comment! I'm not quite sure what you mean. In src/CMakeLists.txt, target_link_libraries includes libkonq. What else is necessary?
I mean e.g. find_package(LibKonq REQUIRED) otherwise another user might not realize what header is s/he missing :-)
Thanks! I'll upload a new package containing the modifications!
Thank you!
it crashes as soon as I press the search button: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/komparator/+bug/1048194
Did you compile komparator4-0.8 from source? Are you using local directories? Do they contain any special files, symbolic links etc? Could you try to find compare two folders which contain only very few files? Probably, also a debug output or running komparator4 from the console may be helpful.
I'm using komparator in Kubuntu 12.04. It's not compiled from sources but installed via ubuntu repos. I'm using local directories.. it seems to work with small directories but crashes with big. Unfortunately there is no verbose output in terminal.
Which version are you using? If it's 0.6, could you try to install the compiled package from http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/georg298:/komparator4/xUbuntu_12.04/i386/ or (64bit) http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/georg298:/komparator4/xUbuntu_12.04/amd64/
tried but still doesn't work well... it crashes :( I get this output this time: Plugin paths: ("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins", "/home/luca/.kde/lib/", "/usr/lib/") Trying to load Attica plugin: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/attica_kde.so" Trying to load Attica plugin: "/home/luca/.kde/lib//attica_kde.so" Trying to load Attica plugin: "/usr/lib//attica_kde.so" Using Attica with KDE support Plugin paths: ("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins", "/home/luca/.kde/lib/", "/usr/lib/") Trying to load Attica plugin: "/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/plugins/attica_kde.so" Trying to load Attica plugin: "/home/luca/.kde/lib//attica_kde.so" Trying to load Attica plugin: "/usr/lib//attica_kde.so" Using Attica with KDE support komparator4(8615) KWidgetItemDelegateEventListener::eventFilter: User of KWidgetItemDelegate should not delete widgets created by createItemWidgets! komparator4(8615) KWidgetItemDelegateEventListener::eventFilter: User of KWidgetItemDelegate should not delete widgets created by createItemWidgets! komparator4(8615) KWidgetItemDelegateEventListener::eventFilter: User of KWidgetItemDelegate should not delete widgets created by createItemWidgets! komparator4(8615) KWidgetItemDelegateEventListener::eventFilter: User of KWidgetItemDelegate should not delete widgets created by createItemWidgets! komparator4(8615) KWidgetItemDelegateEventListener::eventFilter: User of KWidgetItemDelegate should not delete widgets created by createItemWidgets! komparator4(8615) KWidgetItemDelegateEventListener::eventFilter: User of KWidgetItemDelegate should not delete widgets created by createItemWidgets! KCrash: Application 'komparator4' crashing... KCrash: Attempting to start /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/drkonqi from kdeinit sock_file=/home/luca/.kde/socket-L702X/kdeinit4__0
I'll need to investigate this further, which will take some time.
does 0.8 start and work for smaller directories, or does it crash right after starting komparator4?
I cannot found the Packages for Kubuntu in http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/georg298/xUbuntu_12.04/amd64/ any more. Is there an other location, were I can download the latest package?
Download location changed, please look at http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/georg298:/komparator4/xUbuntu_12.04/amd64/ Unfortunately, opensuse build service integration is broken on kde-apps.org.
Thank you.
appears iso's are automatically filtered from the search and the comparison, could you change this or make it optional thanks,
I'm not able to reproduce this bug. Can you tell me, how to proceed, what result you expected to see, and what result you actually saw? Thanks
I have .iso images in 2 dirs, my hd and my backup hd. When I do a komparison the .iso's are not included in the results.
Are both ISO images identical? What is their file size? Did you expect them to find in the "duplicate files" tab, e.g. are they identical? Are there more identical ISO images, so they appeared hidden under another name in the "duplicate files" tab? Were they readable (otherwise they are ignored, however, there will be a warning)?
they are readable (not writable), if I kompare a dir with .iso's with one with none in the output the missing files tab has no .iso's listed just the files with non-.iso extensions
Are there any restrictions under "extended search options"? Solution: set to default. Default is: Filename "contains * and not <empty>" Size "(none)" Modified or created "any" Are you using "Use file index"? If index is not current, it might not find all files. Solution: disable "use file index".
not using file index using file name contains * size option = none modified or create = any is I rename some text files to .iso then the results for those files are correct but not the real .iso's, could it me mime related?
can you open kfind and see, if it correctly finds the iso files?
kfind finds them fine