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... a powerful, fast and reliable backup & sync tool

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news - announcements

* 16 Mar 2014
Release of version 0.4.8

awards - distinctions

* 03 August 2009
3rd place at the sourceforge community choice awards as a "best new project"

* 2008 - 2010
Highest rated application at (still is one of the top 5 !!)


* Backup data
* Support for multiple backup snapshots
* Synchronize folders
* Keep your data safe
* Simple / advanced option
* Exclude data from tasks
* Only include specific data
* Add/remove any rsync option
* Remote connections
* Execute other commands before or after a task
* Restore capability to any path
* Simulation mode
* Inlude only specific tasks and change the execution order
* Use of saved profiles (also import/export capability)
* Scheduling of tasks via cron
* email reports after a profile run
* logfiles
* Command line mode
* Tray notification support

for a detailed list of features please visit:


* no money
If you like this app and would like to donate something to me personally,
all you have to do is:
- Vote "good" here
- Become a fan
- Give a "thumbs up" at the sourceforge page (

This is my reward

* money
I personally never had and never will accept money for this project.
Nevertheless, I decided to use luckyBackup to support people that really need financial help.
So, please consider it seriously to donate money that will eventually be used for a good cause.
Donation link:


Wish you good, fast, reliable, safe and usable backups
(no matter if you use luckyBackup or not)

Last changelog:

Version 0.4.8 :
* Added option to disable TLS for email reports
* Added some (useful) statistics at the end of a profile run
* Added destination disk free space at information window
* Minor modifications to "modify task" dialog
* View of remote places is now available through the "manage backup" dialog
* Default email options are now loaded when a new profile is created
* Split of full email command to command & arguments
* Changed the default exclude "system folders" from "/dev /proc /sys /var" to "/dev /proc /sys /run /var/run"
* Safety checks of mount-points now include deeper levels in paths than /media// and /mnt//
* Added support for vss implementation (windows)
* Added support for nt-streams (windows)
* Added support for e-mail notifications (windows)
* Added various libs used for the windows port
* Fixed issue: When one or more items were manually removed from an existing schedule list, LB would delete entries from the bottom of the list instead, when the cronIT button is pressed.
* Fixed issue: Progress bar did not update normally
* Fixed issue: Segmentation fault under certain circumstances, when --skip-critical is used as an argument and there exists one or more actual CRITICAL tasks.
* Fixed issue: Confusion at task list when an item's box state changed.
* Fixed issue (windows): Warning message regarding the changes.log files during a run

for the complete changelog, please visit:

Ratings & Comments



Using LuckyBackup 0.5 (Qt version) on Ubuntu 20.01 (LTS) with KDE Desktop. I want to create an exact mirror image of an original set of files. Anything on the backup drive that is not on the original must be deleted. Unfortunately, LuckyBackup won't perform this deletion. It copies everything that is only on the backup drive to the original drive. Could you please help me with this? Thanks.


Hello mtz Could you please make sure you use "Backup source inside destination" as task type and the option "Delete files on the destination" (command options-> templates) is checked. If you already have done the above, could you let me know if there are any errors during the run


10 Essential and powerful.


Hello luckyb! Lucky Backup is neat - but I cannot figure out snapshots! I created an empty folder and ran a save of the profile. It appeared in my destination. I then changed the name of the file and backed up. In the destination there was the re-named folder - and the original empty folder! I am assuming all backups snaps are kept in the same folder with a log to distinguish them. ?? My question is though - how does one select a snapshot for restoration? The restore option only presents me with one option! Thanks.


Hello anarchotaoist (nice combination by the way :) ) For a start you have to set the "snapshots to keep No" to whatever you wish


looks like my message was chopped. Will try again... wish


looks like my message was chopped. Will try again... ...whatever you wish Then, each time you perform a backup, the destination root folder will become identical to the source. If the "snapshots to keep No" is more than "1", files that were deleted or modified at the source and are supposed to have the same effect at the destination, will be preserved under hidden folder /.luckybackup-snaphots/. The latter, together with info stored at directory ~/.luckyBackup/snaps/ are used to restore a specifc snapshot. Although the restore of the very last snapshot is pretty straightforward (You can even copy


Although the restore of the very last snapshot is pretty straightforward (You can even copy


looks like my message was chopped. Will try again... wish Then, each time you perform a backup, the destination root folder will become identical to the source. If the "snapshots to keep No" is more than "1", files that were deleted or modified at the source and are supposed to have the same effect at the destination, will be preserved under hidden folder /.luckybackup-snaphots/. The latter, together with info stored at directory ~/.luckyBackup/snaps/ are used to restore a specifc snapshot. Although the restore of the very last snapshot is pretty straightforward (You can even copy and paste the destination to the source), for older snapshots it is mandatory to use LB's restore wizard. You can select the task you wish from the task list, then via the menu, task -> manage backup The list on the left should have all available snapshots. You should be able to select one and then click the restore button. I hope this is more clear now, but if it isn't, just let me know


Hello Luckyb! Thanks for your prompt reply! Yes, I have enabled ""snapshots to keep No"" At first I did not and the used modify to do so. This made no difference. I then created a test backup with a small file and did an extra snapshot. It looks to be making snapshot files in the directory. I do not appear to have any options in " the menu, task -> manage backup". I will have to investigate further tomorrow. I am most likely missing something obvious! ps. I used Timeshift before and when my ssd failed, Timeshift also failed to restore. Lucky Backp came to the rescue! : ) It seemed Timeshift had also backup up with corrupted snapshots - which is why I am keen to have this function working so as to not have only recent corrupt backups. Thanks for making Lucky Backup. It is evening here, so hopefully I get time tomorrow to investigate further!


9 9 excellent


9 +


Powerful tool! Very good job, many functions and many thanks for your help Louka!


simply the best , just missing a version for the Mac is al show Thanks man ..


thank you very much for your kind message Fernando, I really appreciate it :) True, LB was once maintained by Fink but undfortunately not any more:


With nothing specified except [x]Only include and then specifying [x]Read file:_file-list.txt_, when run, the complete source directory is backed up instead of just the files listed in _file-list.txt_. I'm using ubuntu14.04 and gnome(I think). I'm using the default profile with task: test.include-filelist The default.profile contains: [Task] - 1 Name=test.include-filelist . . . Args=--update Args=--delete-after Args=--include-from=/home/evansl/prog_dev/find/filelist-relative.test.txt Args=--include=*/ Args=--exclude=* Args=--prune-empty-dirs Args=--filter=protect .luckybackup-snaphots/ Args=/home/evansl/prog_dev/find/test.dir Args=/home/evansl/prog_dev/backup/luckybackup/include-filelist/ How can I just backup the files in /home/evansl/prog_dev/find/filelist-relative.test.txt which contains: whole2/x.txt whole2/y.txt whole1/x.txt whole1/y.txt x.txt partial/partial1/whole/x.txt partial/partial1/whole/y.txt y.txt TIA. -regards, Larry


Hi Larry, your arguments look correct. I tried a similar setup and it worked as it should eg empty include_filelist.txt -> nothing backed-up absolute paths -> backup only specific files, ok absolute + relative paths -> backup only specific files, ok Just in case: Could you please double check that the files that are not part of your filelist-relative.test.txt file do get transferred when only this task runs ? You can empty the destination directory or just change one of the files that is supposed to be excluded and give it another go to test this... Loukas


Hi I've just moved from Ubuntu to Kubuntu (I'm seriously impressed) and am planning to use Lucky Backup as it looks good and ticks all my boxes except possibly one. So, a question before I leap. Can Lucky Backup integrate with Ubuntu-One in the same way that Deja-backup does? I can't see anything in the documentation around this. If not directly are there any tips on how to use it to backup to a cloud server? Thanks Sam


Hi Sam, Unfortunately LB does not integrate with ubuntu one. A good (general) workaround is to mount the cloud locally (eg using "cloudfuse" or "davfs2") but that has to be supported by the cloud service. Loukas


HI Loukas Thanks for the answer. I suspected that would be the case. I do want my backups to be off-line. I'll see if there's a way that Ubutntu-One can be mounted, otherwise I guess I can backup to a specific folder then sync that.. Thanks anyway Sam


Hi! Congratulations for Luckybackup! It's very powerful! In my case, I use another program to do my backups, although it hasn't got as many possibilities as Luckybackup. Why do I use the other program, then? It's because I do backups with it, and to restore them, I don't need that program. If there's a disaster, I can boot with a Knoppix cd for restoring, for example. If the other program is discontinued, it doesn't worry people. That's because the other backup program uses the method of backup with hard links. They talk about that method in: - - This way I can restore data, even in a disaster situation, without having to install that program, even if the backup program is not developed any more. Then it makes me wonder, could Luckybackup use this "backup with hard links" method? This way everyone could get the best of both worlds.


Hi Gandon, thank you for the nice words no matter whether you use LB :) Indeed, hard links is quite a smart solution for multiple snapshots and is even used by another powerful tool: "rsnapshot". I wish I'd thought about that from the beginning. Technically it's not easy any more to change the overall snapshot behavior of LB, the first releases might include several bugs plus there will be compatibility issues with backups created with older versions. Still, I do consider this change a good idea !! here it goes under the official to-do list: I know it's low priority, but it involves a lot of work to be done and it all depends on how the development will go this year. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Also have in mind, that data backed up with LB can still be restored without the use of any app but this is limited only for the very last snapshot created.


Thank you for your attention! :-)


My favorite backup program used to be faubackup (which is still very nice) until LuckyBackup appeared, with it's very nice GUI that makes it so easy to understand and use the features of the fast and accurate but a little complex and arcane, rsync. GREAT program! Thank you, Loukas Avgeriou. :-)


my pleasure Steve ! thank YOU for taking the time to write a couple of lines and make this day a better one for me :)

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