RMT-Installer (Kommander 1.0beta1)
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Tested only with Kommander 1.0beta1
+ install.sh support
+ more intelligence
- speed bug
+ speed bug :-(
+ new installer (in your kde path)
+ checkinstall manual settings
+ history added
+ open with support
- finish button bug fixed
- file list bug fixed
- configure bug fixed
- make bug fixed
- log bug fixed.
- installer bugs fixed.
bug: Finish button does not function!
- some errors fixed
+ Add files support
+ File list Editor
+ Checkinstall support (testing)
- Summary bug fixed.
- Info bugs fixed.
- Vendor bug fixed.
Ratings & Comments
1) the 'next' button should be grayed out untill next screen is able to be processed (can't go to make screen untill configure is finished) 2) configure and make logs, etc. should not be seperate windows but available like the 'info' window 3) should be able to open konsole at source directory, better yet have it part of the app. window like kate does 4) I find checkinstall will fail if it can't set a time stamp, it would be nice in this case to be able to 'make install' and then rerun checkinstall so that there is an rpm installed
can it make .deb's??? (just switched to debian ;-)) if not, consider this a feature request...
If you would generate DEBs, please get checkinstall tab WARNING!!! checkinstall is only testing, nex version of RMT-Installer will be have checkinstall advanced settings.
for building debs, you must have checkinstall on your system. Download him from: http://proyectos.glo.org.mx/checkinstall/
The app looks great, but I can not get it to work correctly. I even had huge troubles with the installation. My main problem is that the whole RPM creation does not work (see below). But this app is already useful for normal installation. Keep up the good work! I hope my comments help you to improve the app. ----------------------------------------------------------------- So here are the things which should be improved: It puts the whole path into the name field (rpm tab), e.g. "/home/kde3/.Desktop/kdocker". Just kdocker would be nicer. The filename should not be put in the version field. The "view readme" button should be disabled (grayed out) if no readme exists. Same for the other buttons (INSTALL,TODO,...) The konsole which opens when pressing start (make & configure and others) should be closed automaticly if finished (if possible). The RPM build dir should be configureable. I do not like ~/rpmbuild. If you implement this, please remember the setting via config file. Please let the app remember the content of the "Prefix" field. ----------------------------------------------------------------- RPM Problems : After clicking step one: "Error in script for widget ExecButton10_2:Unknown DCOP function: ''." When clicking the "Advanced" Tab : "Error in script for widget RPMSpecFile: Unknown DCOP function: 'spec'." (several times). I did not yet do step 2. This error is shown several times, it would be nice to have a "Don't show again" checkbox which prevents the display of the error until the next start of the app. But that is probably a Kommander issue. After clicking step two: "Error in script for widget ExecButton10_2_2:Unknown DCOP function: 'list'." "Error in script for widget ExecButton10_2_2:Unknown DCOP function: 'spec'." (several times again) "Kommander file /usr/local/lib/rmtinstall/grouper.so does not exist." The spec file which is mentioned in the dialog is NOT created. (The rpmbuild/BUILD dir was created correctly). Because of the missing spec file, step 3 did not work. ----------------------------------------------------------------- The installer of the installer is really crap ! There are several errors in the install script : Line 17: mkdir /usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/rmtinstall is split into two lines, which results in /usr/local/lib/rmtinstall never being created. Line 23: spelling error : ligin instead of login (there were some other spelling errors but I don't remember now). Line 85 : "if ls /usrlocal/bin | grep kmdr-executor" should be "if ls /usr/local/bin | grep kmdr-executor" Additonally, my kmdr-executor is located in /home/kde3/kde-unstable/bin/ and not in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin. The installer does not even look in PATH and tells me it is not installed. Do not name the Kommander files .so ! I first thought is was a libary. This is really misleading. Please change the names to rmt-installer.kmdr popup.kmdr rmt-installerimg.png The paths are hardcoded, for example kmdr-executor /usr/local/lib/rmtinstall/popup.so (in rmt-installer.kmdr) Since rmt-installer.kmdr and popup.kmdr are in the same directory, the whole path in front of it should be removed. This would help to make it possible to install rmt-install in an other directory than /usr/local. It should install in any directory I want, for eample I would prefer /home/kde3/kde-unstable (which is my $KDEDIR) instead of /usr/local. This would also not require root access to install. And finally, the installer does not create the ~/.kde/share/apps/rmt-installer directory, so the popup things like "View Readme" won't work.
RMT-Installer was created with old version of Kommander version 0.1.1 was created with new version of Kommander 1.0 Alpha 4 Installer errors was fixed (if you have errors please post me chapaev@the-royal.de) ".spec" & ".list" error was fixed (i think ;-))
Checkinstall issues a fehller: This package will be built according to these values: 1 - Summary: [ test ] 2 - Name: [ konverter ] 3 - Version: [ 0.6 ] 4 - Release: [ 1 ] 5 - License: [ GPL ] 6 - Group: [ Applications/System ] 7 - Architecture: [ i386 ] 8 - Source location: [ konverter-0.6 ] 9 - Alternate source location: [ ] 10 - Provides: [ konverter ] Enter a number to change any of them or press ENTER to continue: ************************************** **** RPM package creation selected *** ************************************** Building RPM package... FAILED!
for this app! its way cool!
Can you explain to me what is an checkinstall?
let me quote freshmeat: CheckInstall keeps track of all files installed by a "make install" or equivalent, creates a Slackware, RPM, or Debian package with those files, and adds it to the installed packages database, allowing for easy package removal or distribution. Project homepage is http://proyectos.glo.org.mx/checkinstall/
please add support for checkinstall.. thx
Well, but if I understand correctly, this is a graphic tool that does the same checkinstall work, so why should support it? I mean, it's like saying to Vim "please support pico"