RcConf Settings - KCM
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thank you but I can't download the tarball... Please check out it...
Please, go to the project page and clone the Git instead: https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/kde-gtk-config
Hello ! Thank you for GTK3 support. :-) There is an error message when go to "Add and Remove Themes" -> "Download new GTK3 themes" : "Config file not found : cgcgtk3.knsrc" What's this ? Thank you in advance.
Well i cannot reproduce the issue. Anyway, we will put this KCM upstream in KDE so it can be shipped by default so right now the code is being re-written and cleaned completelly so probably any issue will dissapear.
doesn't give any effect. Uncheking them doesn't remove icons from menus and buttons. ----------------- OpenSuse 11.4 86x64 KDE 4.6
This KCM just sets the proper options according the Gtk API, so theorically should work. Anyway, some engines like Oxygen-Gtk or QtCurve override the Gtk settings so some options are not working depending on the engine you use.
Any plan to add the ability to set the look&feel of GTK 3 apps ? Thank you for your answer !
Sure, someday when we get some time for it, Chakra does not use Gtk3 yet and that's why as not been updated yet.
Thank you for your answer !
Hard-coded fonts? Seriously? Please fix these. I'd rather see my font choice than yours.
Well not only fonts, by default this app uses "Oxygen-Gtk" as engine, "Oygen-Refit2" as icon theme and "Bitstream Vera Sans" as font, in case all this is installed, why? bcause this app is part of the "gtk-integration" package of Chakra GNU/Linux which includes all this in one package and this is the default Chakra setup. Obviously that's hardcoded as default only in case you have the related packages installed and can be changed as you want and even more, just installing the KCM no configs are changed, until you actually "Apply" the config once in the KCM. Please open a feature request in the Chakra Bug-tracker.
No, I mean the hard-coded fonts in the UI. The Bold fonts in the section headings, and the fonts on the last tab.
Nice module. It'd be great if you could include a checkbox for selecting this in .gtk-2.0 gtk-toolbar-style=GTK_TOOLBAR_ICONS Its a fix for icons in gtk toolbar.
I openend a feature request in the Chakra bug tracker: http://chakra-project.org/bugs/index.php?do=details&task_id=288 Next time please use our bugtracker to fill feature requests so any developer can take the job and we can track the progress.
Your request as been implemented, we tested it and Oxygen-Gtk or QtCurve does not use this set, at least not in all the apps, also added 2 additional tweaks for show icons in buttons and icons in menus. Enjoy.
Very nice. If you use Qtcurve, you can also set in stylerc: mapKdeIcons=false to switch off icon inheritance. As I read, there is a bug with icon inheritance in qtcurve(don't know if fixed yet) Thank you.
thank you, fixed my icon override with qtcurve + elementary themes XD
I'm using this after kcm_gtk which I was using before got abandoned. It works just as well, except for one thing though: the font configuration was better in kcm_gtk. It had a checkbox that said "Use my KDE fonts in Gtk applications". That way, I didn't have to configure the font twice, one for KDE, one for Gtk, or forget to change the Gtk font whenever making changes to the KDE one. Both were linked.
The KCM you are talking about was part of the gtk-qt engine, which is being deprecated by the awesome Oxygen-Gtk engine developed by the Oxygen team. The approach of this KCM is different, does not relies in the Gtk-Qt engine at all, in fact can be used without actually having installed Gtk2 in your system or even with a Qt installed without support for Gtk themes as Chakra-Gtk-Config is just a GUI for the Gtk config files. In case you are using the Oxygen-Gtk engine, the fonts are automatically set by the engine according your KDE settings. The font family selection is some we added for possible themes without this support and in fact i don't think your request is possible without using the Gtk-Qt engine which is not the target of this KCM, as instead of use Qt for draw Gtk GUIs, we are using real Gtk engines. In fact the "main" feature of this KCM is the Gtk freeness, it is written from scratch in Qt/KDE and does not use Gtk at all, that's why we cannot add engines preview, in case you know a Gtk tweak we can add for this functionality we are open for patches.
Thank you for this nice app! Works like a charm on Gentoo :)
Nice idea this app ! Do you plain to make the same to set KDE 3 Themes settings ?
Well, this KCM as been developed by the Chakra coders, in our distro we don't provide KDE3 apps nor packages so does not make much sense put our efforts on this.
Thank you anyway !
Exceptionally useful. Works fine in LFS. Voted up.
ebuild for Gentoo Linux: http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=353672 To get it working create symlink: $ ln -s .gtkrc-2.0 .gtkrc-2.0-kde4