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This is an update to KDE's font installer. The main change is the addition of a "font management" mode - to allow fonts to be grouped, and enabled/disabled.

Screenshot 1 shows the "standard" mode, this is similar to the existing installer, and is meant for people who just want to add and remove fonts. Screenshot 2 shows the new "font management mode", this is activated by a setting in the settings dialog. Screenshot 3 shows the updated font-viewer, which now has the ability to show all 65536 unicode characters - in chunks of
256 characters.

At the moment this is all KDE3 based - and is not in KDE's subversion, but when everything has settled down enough I'll add this to KDE and port to KDE4. I'm releasing this now just to canvas opinions, and suggestions for improvements.

NOTE: Installing this *will* overwrite the existing font installer.
Last changelog:

1. Fix font preview always being the same, regardless of style.
2. Better unique names when creating font packages
3. Use zip and not tar.gz for font packages
4. Export to fonts/group
5. Allow import of fonts/package and fonts/group
6. Allow fonts/package and fonts/group to be installed via konqueror service menu.
7. Installing a font via konqueror drag-n-drop, or via konqueror's right mouse button menu, will also update the KControl module (if loaded) - after the fontconfig files have been updated, etc.
8. Search bar is placed in main toolbar, and always shown.

1. In kfontview, display "Characters 0 to 255" and not "Unicode table 1"
2. Add a search bar, similar to ksysguard, etc. Hidden by default, accessible via Settings dialog.
3. When installing font files, install into a sub folder named after the 1st character. e.g.
wibble.ttf -> ~/.fonts/w/wibble.ttf
4. Speedups for refresh of KControl module's font list.
5. Added an "Unclassified" group to list all fonts not currently placed within a group
6. After adding/deleting/enabling/disabling, check which buttons should be enabled.

KDE3.5 -> Pre KDE4.0
1. Font Management mode:
- enabling/disabling of fonts.
- creation of "Font Groups"
2. Fonts are now grouped via family name, e.g. shown as:
+ Courier [4]
- Times [2]
...where the number in brackets indicates the number of styles. Clicking on the expand icon (+) will then show the list of styles.
3. Add ability in kfontview to show unicode tables.
4. Remove all references to Speedo fonts - haven't been supported since KDE3.3!
5. New configuration dialog.
6. Only one view - list view. However, each item now has a small preview.
7. Xft is now required.
8. Remove Fontmap creation.
9. Creation of fonts.dir & fonts.scale will be done via mkfontscale and mkfontdir.
10. Legacy X is only configured for a folder if already contains a fonts.dir file.
11. Font installtion is *much* faster - as config files are now updated after all fonts are installed, as opposed to every 50 fonts.
12. Folders are no longer added to X's config files - because of 10 above.
The only system config file that will be altered is either /etc/fonts/local.conf or /etc/fonts/conf.d/00kde.conf (dependant upon your fontconfig version)
13. When installing font files, install into a sub folder named after the 1st character. e.g.
wibble.ttf -> ~/.fonts/w/wibble.ttf
14. Better unique names when creating font packages
15. Use zip and not tar.gz for font packages
16. Export to (fonts/group)
17. Allow import of fonts/package and fonts/group
18. Allow fonts/package and fonts/group to be installed via konqueror service menu.
19. Installing a font via konqueror drag-n-drop, or via konqueror's right mouse button menu, will also update the KControl module (if loaded) - after the fontconfig files have been updated, etc.

Ratings & Comments



Hi ! The download link is dead, could you please fix it. Thanks !


kfontinst-PreKDE4.0-0.7-1.lotus.i586.rpm at ENJOY !!!


Just installed font intaller. I like the idea but I have a problem. The first view shows no fonts in the window and when I switch to admin mode I get the same view except with list of fonts and no enable/disable buttons. Did something go wrong with the install???


First view: This would be as a "normal" (i.e. non-root) user. Here, it will only show the user's personal fonts - as indicated by the text in the 1st screenshot! To enable the "enable/disable" buttons, you have to turn on the "Font Management Mode" - via the settings dialog.


It looks very promising. Going to download it now.


kfontinst-PreKDE4.0-0.5-lotus.i586.rpm at Work fine ENJOY !!!


a filtering field like in Konqueror/amarok... may be useful ?


...added in 0.6 :-)


" ...added in 0.6 :-)" I hope this will be helpful for a lot of people :-) Just an other idea if your field has a clear button (sorry, i don't know because I can't compile it): when one middle-click on this button, it would be nice if the content of the clipboard is pasted in the field (like the location bar of konqueror) I just love this behaviour and have already proposed to the amarok and gwenview mainteners to add it. Both looks interested, it just need someone/some time to implement it :p) So if you think it could be good for this app...


I can look into it - but the "widget" is a KDE standard one. It does the "search" automatically - with no coding on my side :-)


ok but actually, it's just the content of the clipboard who is pasted inside the search-field when one middle-click on the clear button. i think the search mecanism is the same (but I may be wrong, that's you the developer :)

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version PreKDE4.0 0.8
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mediaviews 24h 0
pageviews 24h 8

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