Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
ArchAssistant is a systray docking app that lets you have quick access to various administration aspects of the Arch Linux distro. The main feature is a gui for the Arch's network profiles system (using the netcfg command line), which is very useful for laptop users.
- quick access to the main system files (ie rc.conf, profile, pacman.conf, xorg.conf ...) via a built-in simple text editor.
- netcfg2 front-end : quite complete GUI for the Arch's network profile system. You can connect to, create and edit network profiles in a few clicks. ArchAssistant has an autostart functionality that lets the app connect to the first wifi network discovered upon start.
- the pacman part has been mostly disabled (didn't work as expected).
- collection of the most useful command lines to check system informations.
- custom app launcher from menu
- download clipboard's url with your favorite download manager
- load/eject CD-ROM tray
- instant connection wizard
- english, french, german translations
- arch linux distro !
- QT (I mean qt4)
- netcfg2
-- version 0.4 (May 08 200
- fixed : some bugs affecting systray icon update
- added : a tooltip shows device manufacturer (vendor name) in Profile Editor
- added systray menu action : download clipboard's url with your favorite download manager
- added systray menu action : load/eject CD-ROM tray
- added systray menu action : instant connection wizard
- modified README : build instructions, non-root users instructions
-- version 0.3 (Mar 24 200:
- added : reason of error message upon profile connection (netcfg output) is displayed in systray message.
- added : archassistant is now aware of currently connected profiles : systray icon & tooltip are updated accordingly, even if profiles are connected/disconnected outside archassistant.
- added : middle click systray icon shows the Arch Profile Manager dialog
- enhanced Arch Profile Manager dialog : added copy button, disconnect button, profile connection state information
- added : check & correct profile name syntax in profile editor and profile manager
- updated icons
- added german translation (thanks to n8schicht)
- added Makefile and install script (translations are no more embedded in the binary)
-- version 0.2 (Mar 11 200:
- exclusive support for netcfg2.
- icons updated.
- added very simple animated systray icon while connecting.
- double-click the systray icon launches an automatic connection.
- added dialogs : disconnect active profiles, disconnect active network devices, settings configuration, user editable lists.
- added new menu : Sticky Clipboard menu
- updated & bugfixed : profile manager & profile editor dialogs.
- updated french translation.
- updated default user lists (system files, external commands, system files).
-- version 0.1 (Oct 5 2007) : initial release.
Ratings & Comments
I have a problem with the connection at startup. I use KDE. Usually archassistant does not recognize my network automatically, and even if it does it takes a good minute to connect to it. net-auto-wireless daemon is active, everything should be fine. Is there a way for connecting to the network before or during the KDM login?
Interesting project, but I would say, that it's a bit overbloated in sense of features. It should be just a frontend to netcgf2, in my opinion, all other features are abundant. That way, it would serve as a brilliant solution for KDE-users on Arch that can't use NM.
I agree. I would be much more inclined to use ArchAssistant if I had the option to put it in 'netcfg2-only' mode or something along those lines. But there hasn't been an update for over a year, maybe someone needs to fork/adopt the project?
actually there's something similar called netcfgGUI, it's in the AUR. I really like AA, but it needs some more customization options and a bit more explanations on what options do what. I've been using it for the last weeks and it's great tho, I was so tired of NM and all its bugs!
This hasn't run for a while so I tried recompiling it and it isn't using my CFLAGS for some reason, but I don't see anything in the makefile that would cause it to change my settings. Its using -march=i686 -mtune=core2 (among others) Definitely don't have a core2
I'm also interested in translating archassistant to Italian. Regards.
Hi smart2128, Please provide your e-mail, then i'll be able to send you the appropriate translation file to edit. regards/
Hi there! I'm an Arch Linux user from Brazil. I'm interested in translate your great tool to our language. Is there a translation module or i can do that just by editing the source? This is a fantastic and easy tool, congrats. I hope you can contact me by mail: vinicius@archlinux.com.br Thanks.
A GTK version would be great! :p Good job though! :D
I find this tool quite useful. Congrats ! Keep up the good work. I was wondering though if you have some public svn so I could get the latest changes, maybe I could even help on this project?
Any help welcome ! There is no svn at the moment. What I need more for now are suggestions for the future developments of archassistant. Let me know if you have some ideas. regards/
I took the liberty of adding this program to the Arch Linux AUR repository. You can find it here: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=15649
I had updated the PKGBUILD, but deleted the original packages in the process (I'm new at adding packages under Arch Linux's AUR). The new URL to the package is: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=15655
Cool thanx for providing it as package build! And also thanx to the author! This is what I've been looking for for a friend of mine, and especially for finding new access points and connecting to them via netcfg2. Very useful! Does it have to be run as superuser via "sudo"?
The program does not absolutely need root access to function, but if you want to edit system-wide configuration files with this utility, you would have to do either one of two things: 1. use sudo to run the program OR 2. if you prefer not to use sudo, you can modify the menu entry to run as the root user using the menu editor Also, thanks for the feedback. It's good to know that setting up the Arch Linux package is helping others use this program.