Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
2012-03-05 - v.0.30.0
- Increased maximum file size limit from 20MB to 32MB
- Updated WebConnector to version 2 (previous interface was broken)
- Hungarian translations fully completed
2011-12-24 - v.0.22.1
- Fixed error when analyzing URLs due to change in service provider interface
2011-09-26 - v.0.22.0
- Added contextual service menu to dolphin (right click on file --> Scan with KVirusTotal)
- Implemented command line arguments (-f , -r and -u )
- Added option to create either single or multiple application instances
- Implemented the ability to check automatically for new versions at start up, if wanted
- Added new menu option "Help --> Check for updates..." for on-demand version checks
- Added Hungarian translation (thanks to Tóth Attila)
- Added Russian translation (thanks to Alexander Shevyakov)
- Beautify some menu options
- Beautify percent values when decimal side is zero not being shown (70.0 => 70% --> 70.0%)
- Fixed error when dealing with very small remote files (FileDownloader)
- Fixed a couple of broken connections (MainWindow.cpp & BaseHttpConnector)
2011-09-01 - v.0.21.0
- Implemented the ability to download and submit files for scanning
- Added Czech translation (thanks to Pavel Fric)
- Fixed compilation error for Qt versions previous to 4.7 (WebHttpConnector)
- Fixed some translation typos
2011-08-20 - v.0.20.0
- New web-based connector (WebHttpConnector) for quicker reports
- Deep internal recode for better extensibility and flexibility
- Added permanent link for URL scans too (ApiHttpConnector)
- Show green or red padlock when HTTPs is enabled or disabled, respectively
- Separate erroneous or unrated results from positive ones (displayed in orange color)
- Fixed internal bug when building a POST message (filename attribute)
- Fixed crash when starting up and quitting too fast.
- Some other minor improvements
2011-03-15 - v.0.11
- Added Italian translation (thanks to Gianluca Boiano)
- Fixed bug that prevents the width of the task table's columns from being saved on exit
2011-03-13 - v.0.10.1
- Fix segmentation fault while entering the service key in the welcome wizard
2011-03-13 - v.0.10
- Added German translation (thanks to Sascha Manns)
- Implemented smarter queue engine to manage requests more efficiently
- Integration with KDE notification message system
- Show antivirus and anti-phising services' workload
- Added drag and drop support
- Save each column width for better customization
- A lot of miscellaneous improvements
2011-02-22 - v.0.9
- First public version
Ratings & Comments
OK. I'm user of Kubuntu 12.04 with some modifications, but I have all neccessary devel packages to build kvirustotal. According to INSTALL file, commands: cmake, and make don't return any errors. Unfortunetly command make install dont' install kvirustotal. It returns only: *** sudo make install [ 0%] Built target kvirustotal_automoc Generating moc_filedownloader.cpp Generating moc_taskscheduler.cpp Generating moc_taskschedulerjob.cpp [ 0%] Built target kvt_core_automoc Scanning dependencies of target kvt_core [ 2%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/kvt_core_automoc.o Linking CXX static library ../lib/libkvt_core.a [ 18%] Built target kvt_core [ 18%] Built target kvt_web_automoc [ 18%] Built target kvt_base_automoc [ 34%] Built target kvt_base [ 51%] Built target kvt_web [ 51%] Built target kvt_api_automoc [ 63%] Built target kvt_api Linking CXX executable kvirustotal [100%] Built target kvirustotal [100%] Built target translations Install the project... -- Install configuration: "Debug" -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/bin/kvirustotal -- Set runtime path of "/home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/bin/kvirustotal" to "/home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/lib" -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/applications/kde4/kvirustotal.desktop -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/kvirustotal_servicemenu.desktop -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/apps/kvirustotal/pics/kvirustotal-connecting.gif -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/apps/kvirustotal/pics/padlock-green.png -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/apps/kvirustotal/pics/padlock-red.png -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/./kvirustotal.png -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/./kvirustotal.png -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/./kvirustotal.png -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/./kvirustotal.png -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/kvirustotal.mo -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/kvirustotal.mo -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/kvirustotal.mo -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/kvirustotal.mo -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/kvirustotal.mo -- Installing: /home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/kvirustotal.mo *** After that commands: kvirustotal (even with root privilage) returns "command not found", and commands locate (or find) kvirustotal returns that kvirustotal is found only in my temporary directory. I've tried to use checkinstall, too, but package is without any content.
Hi Pavbaranov, Can you please let me know the output of the next command? kde4-config --prefix The output of the above command should be the next one: /usr It seems like you are trying to install everything under the directory "/home/pawel/tmp/kvirustotal-0.30.0/build/kde4-config --prefix/" which isn't a valid directory! Please, let me know if you have passed any argument to the cmake and/or make commands. Best regards.
Hi Musikolo. Thanks for the answer. There isn't any "next command' after that. Command sudo make install just ending its work and return to path. I try to compile in that way (without root permission): mkdir build cd build cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. make make install
OK, I've understood my mistake. Now, I compile with: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. and everything is OK. Many thanks.
Hi, shows me this error when compiling: Scanning dependencies of target kvt_core [ 20%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/kvt_core_automoc.o [ 22%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/jsonutil.o [ 24%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/filedownloader.o [ 26%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/taskschedulerjob.o [ 28%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/taskscheduler.o [ 30%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/httpconnectorfactory.o [ 32%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/filehasher.o /home/ori0n/rpm/BUILD/kvirustotal-0.30.0/core/filehasher.cpp:23:29: error fatal: QtCrypto/QtCrypto: No existe el fichero o el directorio compilación terminada. make[2]: *** [core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/filehasher.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 error: Estado de salida erróneo de /home/ori0n/rpm/tmp/rpm-tmp.iVhzNg (%build) I have installed: Qt: 4.8.1 KDE Development Platform: 4.8.2 (4.8.2) libqca-devel: 2.0.3 libqjson-devel: 0.7.1 qca2: 2.0.3 Some help :S
Hi vaci0: As far as I can see in your compilation trace, you don't have the file /usr/include/QtCrypto/QtCrypto available. So, the solution is either: 1.- You can create the missing file /usr/include/QtCrypto/QtCrypto which content is just: #include "qca.h" 2.- You can replace the line 23 in the file filehasher.cpp having: #include <QtCrypto/QtCrypto> for #include "QtCrypto/qca.h" I would choose the first option and, if possible, add the missing file to the libqca-devel package you have in your PC. It's very likely the packager didn't realize about it. Please, let me know if this solves your problem. Best regards.
Hi Musikolo, the list of files on libqca-devel: [ori0n@Ori0n ~]$ urpmq -ql libqca-devel /usr/lib/libqca.so /usr/lib/pkgconfig/qca2.pc /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto/QtCrypto /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto/qca.h /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto/qca_basic.h /usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto/qca_cert.h ... the file exist in other path. I am creating a rpm for the official repository of Mageia and would like to find another way to solve it without touching the source code or create files in filesystem. A patch using the second form would be appropriate. I'll try and comment as I was. Sorry my bad english.
Hi vaci0: OK, I see the problem, which is that your libqca-devel package is placing .h files in a non-standard path. This means that if don't want to change other packages, the better way is to give the 'make' command a hint about where to find the QtCrypto header. So, now I can think of two possibilities: 1.- Edit the file CMakeLists.txt you'll find in the KVirusTotal root dir and replace the variable '${QCA2_INCLUDE_DIR}' for '/usr/lib/qt4/include' 2.- If the above doesn't work, once cmake completes, run the make command as follows: make -I /usr/lib/qt4/include Please, let me know whether it works for you this time. Best regards.
[ 32%] Building CXX object core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/filehasher.o /home/ori0n/rpm/BUILD/kvirustotal-0.30.0/core/filehasher.cpp:23:29: error fatal: QtCrypto/QtCrypto: No existe el fichero o el directorio compilación terminada. make[2]: *** [core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/filehasher.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [core/CMakeFiles/kvt_core.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 error: Estado de salida erróneo de /home/ori0n/rpm/tmp/rpm-tmp.aoGAag (%build) Not working :( I will continue looking for another solution
Hi vaci0, I would say you definitely have some sort of issue with your libqca-devel package. In my libqca-devel package I have a file called qca2.pc that has this inside: $ cat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/qca2.pc prefix=/usr exec_prefix=${prefix} libdir=/usr/lib includedir=/usr/include/QtCrypto Name: QCA Description: Qt Cryptographic Architecture library Version: 2.0.3 Requires: QtCore Libs: -L${libdir} -lqca Cflags: -I${includedir} What does it contain yours? This file contains essential information to let cmake & make figure out where to find all qca related files. I think you either don't have this file or its content is wrong. Let's see what comes up... Best regards.
[ori0n@Ori0n ~]$ more /usr/lib/pkgconfig/qca2.pc prefix=/usr/lib/qt4 exec_prefix=/usr/lib/qt4 libdir=/usr/lib includedir=/usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto Name: QCA Description: Qt Cryptographic Architecture library Version: 2.0.2 Requires: QtCore Libs: -L${libdir} -lqca Cflags: -I${includedir}
[ori0n@Ori0n ~]$ more /usr/lib/pkgconfig/qca2.pc prefix=/usr/lib/qt4 exec_prefix=/usr/lib/qt4 libdir=/usr/lib includedir=/usr/lib/qt4/include/QtCrypto Name: QCA Description: Qt Cryptographic Architecture library Version: 2.0.3 Requires: QtCore Libs: -L${libdir} -lqca Cflags: -I${includedir} This is content of file qca2.pc
Hi vaci0, The other day I got to reproduce your problem by moving my QtCrypto headers to the location you have (/usr/qt4/include). Then I had to deal with some errors with cmake related to the new location of the QtCrypto headers. I got to fix this, but the real problem came when I run make, since I was getting the same issue you did, but I wasn't able to find a way to fix it. The only thing that worked was to return the QtCrypto headers to its original location (/usr/include), and voila, it worked like a charm. So, I think the problem is that your libqca package it's a bit of a mess. I would say header files should be placed under the /usr/include dir, and not the /usr/qt4/include dir your package uses. Besides, my qca2.pc file has the prefix variable as '/usr' while your as '/usr/qt4'. Yet, both libdir variables match to each other. Too weird to me, since the include and lib dirs don't share the same prefix!! Out of curiosity, could try copying the QtCrypto headers to the /usr/include dir and then try again to see what you get? If it works, I would say you should consider to rebuild your libqca-devel package placing QtCrpto headers under /usr/include dir. My package is like this http://pastebin.com/Y6uBxgqf Please, let me know if you get any progress about it. Best regards.
Sorry for the delay. Probe QtCrypto moving headers to /usr/include, where should be, and compile fine. The problem seems to be with the packaging libqca-devel on my distro. I'll open a bug to the packager to fix it. Thank you very much and sorry for my bad English: P Español: Disculpa la demora. Probé moviendo las cabeceras a /usr/include, donde ceberian estar, y compilo bien. El problema parece estar en el empaquetamiento de libqca-devel de mi distro. Abrire un bug para que el empaquetador lo solucione. Muchas gracias por tu ayuda y tu paciencia. Atte. VaCi0
I'm unable to install in Pardus 2011.2, while compilling send this error. and I install kdelibs-devel, qjson-devel. How I fix the error. forgive me for my poor english. pardus build # cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` .. -- Found Qt-Version 4.7.2 (using /usr/bin/qmake) -- Found X11: /usr/lib/libX11.so -- Found KDE 4.6 include dir: /usr/include/kde4 -- Found KDE 4.6 library dir: /usr/lib -- Found the KDE4 kconfig_compiler preprocessor: /usr/bin/kconfig_compiler -- Found automoc4: /usr/bin/automoc4 CMake Error at /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:198 (MESSAGE): Could NOT find QCA2 (missing: QCA2_INCLUDE_DIR) Call Stack (most recent call first): /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindQCA2.cmake:44 (find_package_handle_standard_args) CMakeLists.txt:8 (find_package) -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! Tanks!
--- English --- Hi jonhz, If you have a look at the INSTALL file, you'll see the following requirement: # (0) Minimum Requirements (tested, but might be lower) - kde >= 4.4.0 - qt >= 4.6.2 - qca >= 2.0.2 - qjson >= 0.7.1 As you can read in the error message, qca package is not install. So you need to install a package named like qca, qca2, qca-devel, qca2-devel or so. Please, let me know if you still cannot compile it. Best regards. --- Español --- Hola jonhz: Si le echas un vistazo al fichero INSTALL, verás que se indican los siguientes requisitos: # (0) Requisitos mínimos (probados, aunque podrían ser menores) - kde >= 4.4.0 - qt >= 4.6.2 - qca >= 2.0.2 - qjson >= 0.7.1 Como puedes ver en el mensaje de error, el paquete qca no está instalado. Así pues, es necesario que instales un paquete de nombre qca, qca2, qca-devel, qca2-devel o algo similar. Si todavía sigues teniendo problemas, por favor, házmelo saber. Un saludo.
...... .....- Scanning dependencies of target kvt_web_automoc Generating webhttpconnector.moc [ 42%] Built target kvt_web_automoc Scanning dependencies of target kvt_web [ 44%] Building CXX object core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/kvt_web_automoc.o [ 46%] Building CXX object core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/webfilereport.o [ 48%] Building CXX object core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/weburlreport.o [ 51%] Building CXX object core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/webservicereply.o [ 53%] Building CXX object core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/webhttpconnector.o /home/elurogayo/kvirustotal-0.20.0/core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp: In member function ‘void WebHttpConnector::retrieveServiceId()’: /home/elurogayo/kvirustotal-0.20.0/core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp:89: error: ‘currentMSecsSinceEpoch’ no es un miembro de ‘QDateTime’ /home/elurogayo/kvirustotal-0.20.0/core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp: In member function ‘void WebHttpConnector::commonRetrieveFileReport()’: /home/elurogayo/kvirustotal-0.20.0/core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp:266: error: ‘currentMSecsSinceEpoch’ no es un miembro de ‘QDateTime’ /home/elurogayo/kvirustotal-0.20.0/core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void WebHttpConnector::retrieveUrlReport(const QString&)’: /home/elurogayo/kvirustotal-0.20.0/core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp:325: error: ‘currentMSecsSinceEpoch’ no es un miembro de ‘QDateTime’ make[2]: *** [core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/webhttpconnector.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [core/web/CMakeFiles/kvt_web.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 [root@localhost build]#
Hi Elurogayo, The problem you are having is that the method currentMSecsSinceEpoch() is only available from Qt 4.7+ and it's clear you are having a previous one. Thus, what I have done is to create a patch that will set the right method depending on your Qt version. So, all you have to do is to copy this patch ( http://pastebin.com/mNqcq3px ) into a file, for instance called kvirustota_qt46_compatibility.patch, and save it in the directory kvirustotal-0.20.0. Then, issue the next command: patch -p0 < kvirustota_qt46_compatibility.patch I hope it solves the problem. Otherwise, please let me know. Best regards. PS: Assuming it will work, my intention is to keep this change in main code so this problem doesn't happen again in future releases.
Aplicación del parche: [root@localhost kvirustotal-0.20.0]# patch -p0 < kvirustota_qt46_compatibility.patch patching file core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp Hunk #3 succeeded at 330 with fuzz 2. [root@localhost kvirustotal-0.20.0]# A continuación se aplican las instrucciones contenidas en el archivo <INSTALL> sin ningún problema. ¡Ya está instalado! ---------------------------- Applying the patch: [root@localhost kvirustotal-0.20.0]# patch -p0 < kvirustota_qt46_compatibility.patch patching file core/web/webhttpconnector.cpp Hunk #3 succeeded at 330 with fuzz 2. [root@localhost kvirustotal-0.20.0]# Then apply the instructions in the file <INSTALL> no problem. Already installed!
Hello, when compiling I receive the error: ... [ 48%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/kvirustotal.dir/abstractreport.o /home/ori0n/tmp/por compilar/kvirustotal-0.11/abstractreport.cpp:18:26: error: qjson/parser.h: No existe el fichero o el directorio /home/ori0n/tmp/por compilar/kvirustotal-0.11/abstractreport.cpp: In member function ‘void AbstractReport::commonSetup(const QString&)’: /home/ori0n/tmp/por compilar/kvirustotal-0.11/abstractreport.cpp:46: error: ‘QJson’ no se ha declarado /home/ori0n/tmp/por compilar/kvirustotal-0.11/abstractreport.cpp:46: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘parser’ /home/ori0n/tmp/por compilar/kvirustotal-0.11/abstractreport.cpp:47: error: ‘parser’ no se declaró en este ámbito make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/kvirustotal.dir/abstractreport.o] Error 1 make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/kvirustotal.dir/all] Error 2 make: *** [all] Error 2 [ori0n@Ori0n build (development)]$ Help me fix it, please Mandriva 2010.2 KDE 4.4.5 Qt-Version 4.6.3 Phonon Version: 4.4.1 Kernel i586 Thanks
Hi vaci0, As far as I can see, you need to install qjson package. It is a requirement if want to get KVirusTotal compiled. After a quick Google search, I have found this package for Mandriva at http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/4/idpl/14441000/dir/mandrake_other/com/qjson-0.7.1-4mdv2011.0.i586.rpm.html although I would recommend you to use your usual repository whenever possible. I hope it helps! [ and... "¡al toro amigo!" :-P ]
@trozan: In order to install whatever application, you must be root, unless to compile the program with the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --localprefix` instead of -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` as you did following the instructions of the INSTALL file. However, it's often quite better to create a package supported for your distribution if you want to install it, as it would give you more control over the installed files, specially when upgrading or deleting the package. Apart from what I said above, you can execute the program without installation, although some icons and localization won't work. Just go to the build directory you created and run this: ./kvirustotal I hope it helps!
i am getting the error while installing in the last coomand of make install ::------->>> anant@Anant-Android:~/Documents/kvirustotal-0.10/build$ make install [ 0%] Built target kvirustotal_automoc [100%] Built target kvirustotal Install the project... -- Install configuration: "Debug" -- Installing: /usr/bin/kvirustotal CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:44 (FILE): file INSTALL cannot copy file "/home/anant/Documents/kvirustotal-0.10/build/kvirustotal" to "/usr/bin/kvirustotal".
It crashes during the wizard.After I entered the key,push the next and it crashes
@M0Rf30: Thanks a lot for reporting this crash. It should be fixed in the version I have just released (0.10.1). It was one of those stupid errors one often overestimate. Please, let me know about whatever other issue you have.