kde4 changed konversation, it doesnt use dcop anymore...
still you can use dbus
change the line with the echo
| while read line; do dcop $PORT default say $SERVER "$TARGET" "$line"; done
to use something like this
qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say $SERVER "$TARGET" "$line"
and change your variables at top to this
Awesome script, it is exactly what I was looking for! I got tired of the bad format the default media script had. And now I can customize it exactly how I want it!
Thanks again (:
Ratings & Comments
kde4 changed konversation, it doesnt use dcop anymore... still you can use dbus change the line with the echo [code] | while read line; do dcop $PORT default say $SERVER "$TARGET" "$line"; done [/code] to use something like this [code] qdbus org.kde.konversation /irc say $SERVER "$TARGET" "$line" [/code] and change your variables at top to this [code] TARGET=$2; SERVER=$1; [/code]
This only works for Amarok 1.4 which is useless to me
Awesome script, it is exactly what I was looking for! I got tired of the bad format the default media script had. And now I can customize it exactly how I want it! Thanks again (:
To quote our brilliant bot insanity: "[2007-06-14 11:55:48] <insanity> amaroK has been Amarok since June 2006. Wake up! :)" ;)
Waaauw, I'm terribly sorry <somewhat ironic> Anyway, it's been edited, specially for you ! ;-) <3
you know theres already /media in konversation? ;)
jes, but this one is somewhat customised, to my needs, maybe someone else feels the same way, so I posted it over here ;-)