Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
It is written in and requires PyQt.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome to fredrikfornwall@gmail.com (or just post here).
Added RPM to make sure people got PyQt installed.
Some updates to better support nmap 3.70.
Changed WhatsThis messages into tooltips.
Applied bug fix with sourceGroupBox#setColumnLayout supplied by Matthias Votisky (thanks!). If you were getting an error message when trying to run, this may be the cause.
Added option (-d) to disable tooltips and a simple help (-h) switch.
Changed to support word wrap.
Suggestions by Steven Robson: Clear action and some line breaks between each nmap run.
Ratings & Comments
A really cool app - easy to use and powerful.
I tried nmapqt out today and have only one complaint, the nmap went off of the buffer on the screen i did a nmap of my lan with 90 hosts and at the end could see details on only 10 of them.
I've recently changed the maximum displayed log lines from 200 to 5000. Is that enough? Otherwise I could increase it further (or make it settable).
Should be plenty. but it could be nice as a user settable option if you append outputs of scans
I much like what you have done here but nmap is much better when used from the command line, for me at least. Even nmapfe gets in my way. I can only imagine what a qt derivative would be like.
i try this : python ./11824-nmapqt.py ERROR: PyQt (http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/pyqt/) could not be found - exiting
Well I unpacked the tarball, but what do I do next?
The nmapqt.py file is a python program, meaning that it can be executed with "python ./nmapqt.py".
ok, but in a root console all I get is: "python: can't open file'./nmapqt.py'". Where do I put the "11824-nmapqt.py" file? - thanks.
It seems as if kde-apps mangles the file name, so you can just rename the downloaded file (11824-nmapqt.py or whatever) to nmapqt.py and then run it normally.
Its about time someone make a qt version of nmapfe. Thanks.