Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:It´s currently available for windows and unix systems and fits perfectly into the desktop or shell environment.
If you want to know more, just look at this side: http://www.fenner.info/clients/docs/index.html
all important and uptodate information will be located there.
This will be the last release candidate before we go on sourceforge.
Any comments would be nice.
lin: directrly connect on ras-qsc-file
lin: modem-connections (using kppp)
lin: Network Menu
lin: porta-inst - fixed
lin: fix dircolors for busybox
win: Added Xming xserver and qinstall
win: remember selected protocols
win: fixed update function
win: Add Xming Server for Windows
all: Added SSH-Key Export gui
all: Added netcat binary
Ratings & Comments
sorry for delay guys.... but next release candidate will debute on satureday. It will be released on kde-apps.org ,portablesapps.com, sourceforge.net and many more sites. Docs will be out there too, also include in the client packages. And more features are waiting for testeres like stunnel support and wake on lan client. But stay tuned - good wine takes time!
What about source and distro-packages?
About the source: The source for the windows clients is accessible using kde-apps download menu. The code for the linux-client is now fully migrated to scripting and kommander-frontends. Fallback clients are available using k/X/cdialog. All the patches for linux-software e.g. putty, plink and sources of the nx-scrambler and other tools which are included will be in the final qsclient package, wich will be released this weekend. Next step is a native kde and curses client - They will debute in the 2.0 release.
Ahem ... I missed info about distribution packages. And thats an interesting point: You don´t need one! - qsclient is an selfextracting executable - It runs on every distrybution, even the nxclient which is installable using the setup menu. My Idea is to make it as porttable as the windows version. Then you can install it on e.g. usb-stick (Comming in final version) and use it where you are. The only thing missing is a version packed with binaries for ppc-systems, but the setup routine substitues the main binaries anyway, if they are unavailable for you system.
alread many bugs fixed in linux and windows version. next version will be uploaded until tomorrow. If you want to checkout the newest version everytime, just enter ma.ath.cx as Server and choose QSClient-Update in the taskbar-menu. QSClient will try the download and otherwise get the most stable version from my homepage - So I´ll keep my premise : "One click and its done" The next rc-version will also introduce "wake on lan", windows and linux etherwake clients are included, of course.
... as I said. RC1 is available, so just download and try. If you dont have an nxclient installed, just jo to the taskbar menu. Under setup there is a button to install nxclient automagically. I guess everybody to take an eye on rdpexec nxexec and sshexec protocolls and test qsc-files using the wiondows and linux client - You will be impressed. Especially the pptp-client is very advanced now, just click on an pptp-qsc file and on linux and windows you´ll get a nice tray-icon as long as the vpn-connection is up. IPSec and OpenVPN Connections will follow next.
Today is the day : QSClient 1.2 RC1 will be released! This is the next step to establish an unltimate client application, which enables you to connect to over 14 Protocols with a simple click. Main improvements are: PPTP/PPPOE/ISDN/MODEM Setup using qsc-files - Available on Windows and linux (e.g. connect via pptp using a simple click, qsclient makes the whole setup for you on windows and Linux) - Bugfixes - New Protocols - SSH-Key-Import - RSA/DSA Key-support for SCP/SSH/NX - Remote rc-service Management (+sudo) - New Linux-Gui (kommander script) - Improved linux script (lib-based) - Rewritten Windows-Client (Tray-Menu) - New Quick-Connect Dialog - Impoved Portability (e.g. for USB-Sticks) - 1st Dokumentation for win/lin - Mount QSC-Files in Linux (ssh,ftp,etc..) So stay tuned - If you still not know what todo with this software, wait for the docs - I guess you will be very impressed.
I was wondering since you are useing GPL licence, where is the source?
really it's nice to see some good administration stuff :) thanks.
Wait for the server :) , but It lacks of docs and i18n. Just look at the web-interface to get a small overview : http://ma.ath.cx/qs . Have you ever installed freenx and a complete desktop-environment with a single click or command ? Or what about a isdn dialin server? using the qs-client or shell it will be just: qslib install dialin qslib set isdn-prefix xxxxx qslib set isdn-msn xxxxx ... and every full quser can login using isdn :) and ... its working already - based on debian sarge :) but portable to every linux distriburtion :D stay tuned ;)