Description: XMLTreeEdit displays XML files as tree views and allows basic operations: adding, editting, deleting, renaming and moving text nodes, their attributes and comments.
The main goal is providing a simple tool to create/edit XML configuration files without need of editing XML texts.
Features include: * No XML text displayed - all editing is made over tree view representation. Program logic maintains XML file integrity. * Available commands for XML tags: Add, Edit, Delete, Rename, Move to another position on the tree, Copy to another position, Copy from separate "reference" XML document. * Available commands for Comments: Add, Edit and Delete. * Text node is not separated from its container tag on the tree view; text node can contain virtually everything - supported features include multi-line editor, reading file name from file dialogue, loading content of text or binary file, reading RGB colour value from color dialogue. * Search facilities, including search through text values. * Second window with independent "reference" XML file; supported copying the node with all its children and attributes, search for similar or missed nodes * Very customisable - the program has two XML configuration files. * Supports language translation - the only tool required to make a new translation is XML Tree Editor itself.
The project is hosted at and includes sources and binary installation packages for GTK2+ (deb) and Windows (exe)Last changelog:
Mainly fixes and user interface improvement - see Readme.txt on the download page for details.
Added more functionality, translation options (see main description), bug fixes
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