Description: This version features: - Russian alphabetic/phonetic and windows keyboard translations - Rich text editor - Spell checking* - Save in ODT/HTML/PDF/TXT - Print and Print Preview - Default Latin keyboard - Russian pushbuttons - Written in Python and Qt - OS independent** - Minimalistic and simplistic approach - Licensed under GPL3
* Requires PyEnchant ** Tested in Linux and Windows
- Python-2.7+ (please note Python-3.x is not suitable) - Qt-4.7+
For Windows users: - Python: - Portable Python: - Qt: (For Portable Python on Windows, PyQt has to be installed in ..PortablePythonApp) - Make sure PyQt version matches Python version (e.g. if Python-2.7.* is installed, then install corresponding PyQt-Py2.7-*, otherwise it will not work)
Notes: - Displayed keyboard keys are for indication purpose only. Russian pushbuttons can be clicked. - In Russian alphabetic keyboard mode, the following letter combinations are allowed:
ё - yo, jo Ё - YO, JO ж - zh Ж - ZH ч - ch Ч - CH ш - sh Ш - SH э - ye, je Э - YE, JE ю - yu, ju Ю - YU, JU я - ya, ja Я - YA, JA
To enable spell checking, install: - PyEnchant (e.g. (To install PyEnchant for Portable Python in Windows, add Python path to Windows Registry by running '' from scripts folder) - Dictionaries (e.g. myspell-ru)
To start Cute Klava, run 'QtKlava.pyw'. (For Windows users: open 'QtKlava.pyw' with 'pythonw.exe')Last changelog:
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