Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
TepSonic is written in C++ using Qt framework and it's published under GNU General Public License version 3.
- metadata editor
- UI for configuring audio output devices
- UI for setting Phonon effects
- playlist shuffling
- custom implementation of Last.Fm API
- improved Last.fm plugin: 'loving' tracks, cache of tracks to submit, OAuth authentication, support for Windows
- fixed some race conditions
- many small fixes
- filesystem browser with bookmarks
- stop-after-this-track option
- navigation in playlist by arrows
- improved collections building
- bitrate column in playlist
- run-time enabling/disabling of plugins
- improved MacOS X support (pvanek)
- lots of various bugfixes and improvements
- global shortcuts
- 'Various Artists' in collections
- automatic detection of supported audio formats
- use of lastfmlib for Last.fm scrobbler plugin
- rework of collections and playlist builder and populator threads
- support for MacOS X
- various bugfixes
- extended informations in collections
- improved collections building algorithm
- disable sorting when inserting tracks to playlist
- added "Expand all", "Collapse all" and "Remove from harddisk" actions to collections' popup menu
- possibility to disable compiling plugins using -DWITH_{PLUGINNAME}=OFF cmake switch
- when passing files as program parameters, start playback automatically as soon as first track is added
- many little improvements and bugfixes
- Autoconf replaced by CMake
- builds on Windows
- fixed UTF-8 encoding in trackbar
- added .desktop file and icons
- added .ico icon for Windows executable
- added feature to delete file from harddisk via context menu in collections browser
- implemented changing volume by scrolling on trayicon
- many small fixes & improvements
Ratings & Comments
http://chakra-project.org/ccr/packages.php?ID=1777 to install: ccr -S tepsonic
Thanks a lot!
In 0.98.3 shortcuts are broken: instead of 'Meta+S' just 's' is used, if tepsonic is running, I am not able to type 's' in any application.
Now building without cs translation is broken: cmake -C /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/tepsonic-9999/temp/gentoo_common_config.cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DWITH_LASTFMSCROBBLER=ON -DLANGS= -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Gentoo -DCMAKE_INSTALL_DO_STRIP=OFF -DCMAKE_USER_MAKE_RULES_OVERRIDE=/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/tepsonic-9999/temp/gentoo_rules.cmake /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/tepsonic-9999/work/tepsonic-9999 loading initial cache file /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/tepsonic-9999/temp/gentoo_common_config.cmake ... -- Translations to build: CMake Error at player/CMakeLists.txt:218 (add_dependencies): add_dependencies called with incorrect number of arguments CMake Error at plugins/LastFmScrobbler/CMakeLists.txt:96 (add_dependencies): add_dependencies called with incorrect number of arguments P.S. cmake -LH shows wrong name for -DLANGS= option (LANGUAGES).
Thanks, it's fixed in git now, will be in next release (which will be as soon as I have some time to fix some minor issues)
In official overlay: http://gitorious.org/gentoo-multimedia/gentoo-multimedia/trees/master/media-sound/tepsonic
Thanks Nikoli. I fixed the folder name and updated the 9999 ebuild link to point to gitorious too.
So will you fix cmake? For me in Gentoo it does not build with -DQT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr... options too.
i have an issue in cmake: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: QT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR (ADVANCED) i ve found a workarround to make it work i add to cmake the "-DQT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/KDE/Phonon/" (found in google), it works the compile now, but i dont know if it is the appropriate solution
i have an issue in cmake: CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: QT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR (ADVANCED) i ve found a workarround to make it work i add to cmake the "-DQT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/KDE/Phonon/" (found in google), it works the compile now, but i dont know if it is the appropriate solution
If you don't have Phonon include dir set by default in your system, this is not just appropriate but the only solution :-)
ok thanks i have updated the rpm http://www.mandrivalinux.gr/rpm/2010.1/i586/tepsonic-0.96.0-1mgr2010.1.i586.rpm
Thank you!
It does not support phonon from http://phonon.kde.org ... Qt PHONON library not found. ... CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND. Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files: QT_PHONON_INCLUDE_DIR (ADVANCED) ... Previous build system did not have this problem. Also fix '2) COMPILING' in README.
very nice application ! i found very usefull the search bar for the playlist, i propose as a feature the ability to delete a file directly from the collection here is a rpm for Mandriva 2010.1 32bit http://www.mandrivalinux.gr/rpm/2010.1/i586/tepsonic-0.95-1mgr2010.1.i586.rpm
Thanks for that RPM! Your idea about removing items from collections is little problematic. I'd rather use some sort of blacklist for files and dirs to be excluded from collections when rebuilding them. Removing file from collections would lead to choice "Delete from disk" or "Add track/album/interpret to blacklist"...and that could work...yeah - great idea man, added to TODO :-)
updated http://www.mandrivalinux.gr/rpm/2010.1/i586/tepsonic-0.97.0-1mgr2010.1.i586.rpm
Thank you, dglent
I am happy to see light Qt4 player with collections support :) Founded bugs and some feature requests: I Build system: 1) make fails with MAKEOPTS="-j4". 2) make install does not install libs and translations. When this issues will be fixed I will add ebuild to bugs.gentoo.org. II Icons: 'optipng -o7 icons/*.png' will save 44 Kb, /usr/bin/tepsonic will be 20 Kb smaller. III Tepsonic: 1) Status bar does not support UTF8. 2) Collection part of window can not be resized, also DPI 146 looks ugly in settings window. 3) Scrolling at trayicon does not change sound. 4) Menu is... unusual, may be you will move Tepsonic and Playlist to File? 5) Some files are not present in collection list, only artists with no albums and tracks 6) tepsonic /path/file does not start playing it 7) Loading file from dir not in collections list crashes tepsonic. 8) Clicking at song in collection does not add it to playlist.
Thank you! I'll fix the bugs first and then I'll look on the features.
Thanks for fast reaction in git, but there are some problems with libs: * QA Notice: The following shared libraries lack a SONAME * /usr/lib/libtepsonic_lastfmscrobbler.so Also we need qmake option for using /usr/lib64, /usr/lib32 or any other path instead of /usr/lib. Translations are not installed for me. tepsonic /paths works, but does not start playing /paths, without such behaviour tepsonic is not optimal as default choice for opening audio files in file managers. http://pub.nikoli.msk.ru/portage-overlay/media-sound/tepsonic/tepsonic-9999.ebuild ebuild works, but is not enough good for Gentoo yet. If you will add it to downloads, please add link because I will periodically update this file.
Sorry for all the inconveniences, this is my first bigger public project and I lack some experiences :-) I fixed the translations, this time for sure and added sonamed symlinks to plugin lib. Target folders can be now specified by passing PREFIX,LIBDIR and BINDIR variables as qmake parameters (see dirs.pri). Thank you!
Seems all build issues are fixed :) May be you need to change links in README (homelinux.net) and paths in Doxyfile (/home/...)? Why you marked statusbar problem with non-latin characters 'Unconfirmed', does it show well russian or japanese tags for you?
I fixed the problems with UTF. I was not sure where exactly is problem (I call statusbar the panel in the bottom of the window :-) ).