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This is a simple application to test QRegExps. It shows you the captured strings and their respective substrings.

You find the latest stable version of QRegExp-Editor on our project page at http://sourceforge.net/projects/qregexp-editor. Bug-reports and feature requests should be made there. The repository is hosted on gitorious: http://gitorious.org/qregexp-editor/qregexp-editor.

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Many thanks for application. It helps in c++ regexp programming like repl in clojure.


I use QRegexpEditor on my work and aften I check a lot of strings simultaneously (up to tenth thousands) and I would be glad just to know which rows are mismatched regexp or may be how much rows are mismatched regexp Thanks :)


Hi I think that I didn't understand you suggestion. Can we discuss it on the qregexp-editor interest mailing list or the forum (all at sourceforge) ? https://sourceforge.net/projects/qregexp-editor/


Hi everyone Nice program but little bit green. I found some problem: when you go to sleep mode on Win7 (I use x64 version) with opened QRegexpEditor. On next morning QRegexpEditor doesn't work it crashes. It is a minor and not such important problem for me but anyway it is a bug.


Hi, first of all thank you for using QRegExp-Editor and your feedback. We'll look into the issue shortly. Recently we set up a project page for QRegExp-Editor on sourceforge. It can be found here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/qregexp-editor The bugtracker is already working and I would appreciate if you create a proper bug report there, so we have it documented and can track it and notify you when it is resolved. You can also make feature-requests there. It would also be important to know which version of QRegExp-Editor the bug pertains to. You should always try out the latest stable version. There are currently no installers for Windows but this will change in the next few days. Best regards


The libraries which are linked into the application when I compile it are: expat-2.0.1-8.fc12.i686 fontconfig-2.8.0-1.fc12.i686 freetype-2.3.11-3.fc12.i686 glib2-2.22.5-1.fc12.i686 glibc-2.11.2-1.i686 libgcc-4.4.4-10.fc12.i686 libICE-1.0.6-1.fc12.i686 libpng-1.2.44-1.fc12.i686 libSM-1.1.0-7.fc12.i686 libstdc++-4.4.4-10.fc12.i686 libuuid-2.16.2-9.fc12.i686 libX11-1.3-1.fc12.i686 libXau-1.0.5-1.fc12.i686 libxcb-1.5-1.fc12.i686 libXcursor-1.1.10-1.fc12.i686 libXext-1.1-2.fc12.i686 libXfixes-4.0.4-1.fc12.i686 libXi-1.3-2.fc12.i686 libXinerama-1.1-1.fc12.i686 libXrandr-1.3.0-5.fc12.i686 libXrender-0.9.5-1.fc12.i686 qt-4.6.3-8.fc12.i686 qt-x11-4.6.3-8.fc12.i686 zlib-1.2.3-23.fc12.i686


I don't understant your post. Please elaborate. Regards,


I'm using the latest git revision. Using this data: 5.3cm 422inch 76 89.3 21.256 3.4CM 98756456789756746574897456465465.45676MM 8.4? against this regexp: (\d+(\.\d+)?)(cm|inch|mm)?(?:\?)? I got this result: http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/1020/qregexpeditornoresults.png no values. clicking on the colored rows doesn't produce any effects. There is a development mailing list ? Regards,


An F5 Please delete this. If possible


Hi, unfortunately there is no mailing list since I didn't expect any feedback. Regarding the issue, I couldn't reproduce it (which does not mean that there is no issue) so it would be kind if you tell me which version of Qt you are using. I'll change the code and add qDebug() instructions so the matches can be written to the console. That would give us some useful hints as to where to find the bug. I'll also send you a private message with my email address and messenger ID's so we can debug this together if you like :-). Best regards - Mehdi Salem Naraghi.


I'm using the latest git revision. Using this data: 5.3cm 422inch 76 89.3 21.256 3.4CM 98756456789756746574897456465465.45676MM 8.4? against this regexp: (\d+(\.\d+)?)(cm|inch|mm)?(?:\?)? I got this result: http://img251.imageshack.us/img251/1020/qregexpeditornoresults.png no values. clicking on the colored rows doesn't produce any effects. There is a development mailing list ? Regards,


Wrote a patch. Placed an merge request at gitorious


Hi, first of all thanks for reporting the bug. The crash is due to your regexp matching the empty string, so a regular expression like [te]? would lead to an infinite loop since it will match 1 or _zero_ occurrences of t or e. Here is a minimal compiling example showing that: #include <QtCore> #include <QDebug> int main() { QRegExp rx("[te]?"); QString text("text"); int pos = 0; int loopCnt = 0; while((pos = rx.indexIn(text, pos)) != -1) { Q_ASSERT(loopCnt++ < 10); qDebug() << "pos:" << pos << " cap(0):" << rx.cap(0) << " len:" << rx.matchedLength(); pos += rx.matchedLength(); } } Of course this shouldn't crash this application so I fixed that bug. Now if you happen to match the empty string the application will abort evaluating the regexp and display a warning to make you aware of that.


Hi, thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately you didn't provide enough information for me to reproduce the crash. I've just tested this text: 5.3cm 422inch 76 89.3 21.256 3.4CM 98756456789756746574897456465465.45676MM 8.4? against this regexp: (\d+(\.\d+)?)(cm|inch|mm)?(?:\?)? but this didn't result in a crash even though there are plenty of ? signs in there. Here is the result: http://img17.imageshack.us/img17/223/regexpeditor.jpg It would be very kind if you provided one or two use-cases where the application crashes on your system (that is the regexp and the parsed text) so I can verify that bug and hopefully debug the app. Thanks in advance


Your app is very nice, but i just found the way to make it freeze. Looks like that any regex with '?' freezes the application totally. Beside that, good job.

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version v0.2.1
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