EASY TO USE EASY TO INSTALL JUST TRY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's lightweight QT based desktop enviroment, it's fork of Antico, it makes Antico more similar to LXDE in use
You must have installed:
-qt 4
-qt dev development pack
-libdbus dev
-xlib dev development
dowwnload and unpack arichive in your home directory
To compile, enter to "$HOMEantico" folder (where is the antico.pro),just type on shell:
"cd antico"
"qmake" (or qmake-qt4)
and as a root type "make install"
don't remove "$HOMEantico" folder!!!
To run the window manager:
- from KDM/GMD, select "Antico" from WM list
- from shell, type "xinit /path/to/antico/bin" (first "pkill" kdm/gdm and X)
To uninstall, type on shell (as root):
"sh uninstall"
To init the WM, just delete the "antico.cfg".
26.08.2010 fixed some bugs
0.2 alfa added minimalize button
fixed link to version with minimalize button
Ratings & Comments
Does this provide useful functionality, like other desktop environments? Think I'll try this tonight. Cheers.
I have tested the DE on my workstation debian sid (qt 4.7) and looks good for first impression http://mapopa.blogspot.com/2010/10/installing-antico-light-qtde-is-like.html i think is better if people compile from git directly so they will avoid the missing config issue
Hi, Council to try it, I was able to use it and I was impressed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jq3vlrk_20
There are so many "forks" of Antico project. So, I think it's time to join forces. Take a look at my fork, I have good ideas like window decorations based on CSS (http://wiki.github.com/gustavosbarreto/antico/creating-decorations)
Hi Gustavo. Realy we need merge work. I'm not a ral programer yet, but studing for it. Cloning your repo for study.
and about the antico name... we have antico, antico deluxe, antico light A deluxe version is a bad thing for the image of main version. the deluxe has his own objectives. A join probally not can be made. Maybe a rebrand is a good idea for next release. (or a rebrand of antico-deluxe)
Hi, why not QTDE, like LXDE but more "cute"
Hi. I build them. And the antico.cfg file has many paths to your home. In the build he not look the name of my home. And i not see the minimization button.
I've updated wrong link to version with minimamalize button, and fix home dir bug.
seems that the best way is to get it from git there the config issues is gone
I made an install and it create new user directory. why do not you put the git repo in the description or replace the tar file? this one is reasonable. https://github.com/gustavosbarreto/antico
What is the diference betwen thelight version and this: http://qt-apps.org/content/show.php/Antico?content=93778 ?? This is abadoned, i know. I'm wanna know the changelog and the rason for the rename. I will test this. thabks for return the project.