Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Lightweight & cross-platform clipboard history applet. Maybe useful if you don't have (or don't want) KDE's Klipper.
- saves clipboard history entries and restores them
- lightweight
- systray docking app
- few requirements
- can be used in Gnome and Windows (and more)
- Qt4
Version 1.7 (2010/01/20)
- ADDED : .deb package
- ADDED : sticky clipboard feature
- ADDED : make install rules
Version 1.6 (2010/01/13)
- FIXED : settings problem in windows
- ADDED : support for images
- ADDED : systray icon's tooltip showing current clipboard content
Version 1.5 (2010/01/0
- ADDED : a few minor graphical improvements
Version 1.4 (2010/01/06)
- ADDED : clear history button
Version 1.3 (2010/01/04)
- ADDED : translation .ts files
Version 1.2 (2010/01/02)
- simple bugfix release
Version 1.1 (2009/12/31)
- ADDED : selection clipboards feature
- FIXED : qlipper's icon for dialog windows
- FIXED : a little better about dialog
Version 1.0 (launched 2009/12/30)
Ratings & Comments
anyone has ever thought to add a search feature to this.. I mean search through history
Is project still alive?
Please check here : http://gitorious.org/~pvanek http://gitorious.org/qlipper http://code.google.com/p/qlipper/ regards/
Thank you!
I have not find any hotkey settings. Is it possible to add hotkey ?
I too miss that feature please.
Qlipper should ask user after choosing 'Clear clipboard history' option to confirm selection of this option.
I'll probably release some kind of language pack in next version. If you're in the hurry, instructions to make translations work are the following : 1/ edit the .ts file according to your language. Leave it where it is (in the /ts folder). 2/ run "lrelease qclip.pro" from the command line : this will generate .qm files in the /ts folder. 3/ move the .qm file corresponding to your language either in "/usr/share/qlipper/translations/" or "/home/YourUserName/.config/Qlipper/" 4/ app should be translated next time you run it. Regards/
Hi, I downloaded version 1.4 and tried to compile it in Windows, but there is a syntax error on line 327 of systrayicon.cpp: "and" should be "&&". The program also closes because it "could not write conf file" (line 24).
hi truefusion I made a few modifications in version 1.5, hope they will solve the problem. Unfortunately I did not test the program in windows myself, so I'll be happy you tell me. regards/
It compiles without any modifications now, but it still "could not write conf file". I can get the program to run if i comment out line 27 of systrayicon.cpp and the program will work, but, of course, it won't be able to store any settings. Another thing, under Windows (not sure about anything greater than XP, though) this program has a problem one of my programs had: popping up the menu with menu->exec() (i.e. when you left click the system tray icon) doesn't make the menu hide when clicking on a random spot on the screen. I know in Linux this is not a problem. Nice GUI modifications you made, btw.
It appears to be more a Qt problem in Windows than a programming bug. Which Qt version do you use in Windows ? I think I'll have a try in windows by myself when I get time. Damn, it is supposed to be cross-platform ! regards/
adding the following code at the beginning of the constructor seems to solve the settings problem in Windows : QSettings::setDefaultFormat ( QSettings::IniFormat ); regards/
I use Qt 4.6 in Windows. But i'll wait for a new version of qlipper to come out for testing.
thx for this app, it works well on kde 4.3. I made an archlinux package. You can get it here: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33340 cya
thanks. Arch is a great distro. regards/
Just what i was looking for. Small, lightweight, cross-platform, open-source, and uses my favorite GUI library.
Very small and simple clipboard manager, I added it to my startup right away, it uses 5 times less resources than Klipper and I didn't use the user actions anyway... However it doesn't seem to work with selection clipboards as well, are they planned for the future?