Description: With PigTerm you can chat with your Linux terminal! With a pair of Gtalk accounts or other XMPP services you can talk to your Linux and all the communication is encrypted.
PigTerm connects you to your/your friends/your office Linux computer's terminal trough Jabber messaging (XMPP Protocol). So that you do not need ssh access to do this.
Think of pigterm as a Remote Assistant for Linux Console.
This is useful specially when your remote computer do not have a valid IP address.
The software uses QXMPP opensource library ( ). The complete code of this library is imported into source tree so that you do not need to compile and install that first.
All communication is encrypted using QCA Library. The software does not involve with export control regulations as in QCA ( ) Site they wrote: Functionality is supplied via plugins. ... . Also, by pushing crypto functionality into plugins, your application is free of legal issues, such as export regulations.
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