Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Patriott is a lightweight web browser, fast and very stable, a small alternative to other web browser
Patriott uses the QtWebKit port of the fully standards-compliant WebKit layout engine. It features fast rendering, powerful JavaScript engine.
* very fast startup
* integration with desktop environments
* smart location bar
* download manager
* WebInspector, a set of tools for web developers
* save pages as PDF
* hidden menu bar, discoverable with alt key
* support downloads
* Images bug fixed
* Linux 64 bit
* Linux 32 bit
* Bookmarks
* History
* Download Manager
* new keyboard shortcuts
* new Design
* custom status bar
* aero glass
* hidden status bar
* New loading movie
* Settings dialog
* tool tips
* printing
* improved memory handling
* new keyboard shortcuts
* Proxy port bug fixed
* hack mode bug fixed
* new android version
Ratings & Comments
The 64bit version runs OK on LinuxFromScratch. Really gotta say I'm over the ubu thing - if its to run on any distro then just name it Linux.
this is because i compiled under ubuntu, i was not sure for compatibility! i will change the name for the next uppdate...thanks
Proprietary and only Ubuntu? Without sources? Must die!
in fact it is compatible with any linux distro.
./Patriott_1.0.0_Ubuntu_32bit cookie error ./Patriott_1.0.0_Ubuntu_32bit: symbol lookup error: ./Patriott_1.0.0_Ubuntu_32bit: undefined symbol: _ZN12QWebSettings21setOfflineStoragePathERK7QString
okay, i can see, i will adress this issue this week end, sorry. Also which distro are you using, so that i can add compatibility for it. Regards.
Fisrt error - ALT Linux 4.1. Latest stable ALT Linux 5.1: ================================== ./Patriott_1.0.0_Ubuntu_32bit cookie error value read true QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments WebView::loadProgress(int) --> Page::refreshUrlAndIcon(QUrl) tab changed QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments WebView::loadStarted() --> Tabulations::tabIconLoading(int) ./Patriott_1.0.0_Ubuntu_32bit: symbol lookup error: ./Patriott_1.0.0_Ubuntu_32bit: undefined symbol: _ZN9QListData11detach_growEPii ==================================
> Also which distro are you using, so that i can add compatibility for it. P.S. Not necessarily do it . Proprietary software I'm not interested , especially since there are similar browsers that are open source .
okay if you take it like that, note that adding a compatibility was not for you only.
Hi, Where can you find the sources ?
sorry but for now, it is not open source,but it'll be, iam creating a repository
The software is not licensed OpenSurce, right? If so, I think it should be published in: http://qt-prop.org/
thanks for the suggestion!
in fact here is for free software Qt apps, not necessarily open sources, so Patriott is in th right place. thanks for the suggestion anyway
I think that "open"Desktop.org uses "free" as in "freedom", not "free beer". http://opendesktop.org/help/about.php Anyway, I'm just an user, not moderator of the site.
The update is finally there, have a test on it!
Hi guys, the patriott version 1.00 is comming this week, it is wonderfull, and complete, new design, new features... the most complete Qt based web browser, really... stay tuned
please report any bug here, or any suggestion to include in the next version! thanks
Hi, First of all I'd like to congratulate you for your nice work! Patriott starts up fast, and is easily usable with pleasant interface.. Currently Patriott is in alpha stage, but i found no crashes and bugs! Anyway, thank you for sharing your browser with us, and also for posting suggestions about my WebRender! Is there any way to get the source code..? -- Regards, Anand Bose
yeah thanks, iam happy if my suggestion helped you, for the sources, i will upload them with the linux version of patriott, i have a poor connection these days
Yeah, your comment really helped me. I implemented tabbed browsing facility to WebRender. Source code is also available. Visit http://tinyurl.com/WRender Let's share it!