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Ratings & Comments
awesome! i wanna make a app like this one,hope that u don't mind
I can't set it permanently on KDE. So I have to reset it each time I start the app.
It works fine on openSuse 11.3(i586)/kde 4.4.4. Does the application have the permission to create files in folder? The settings are stored in "options.bin". Have you tried to recompile it? Please, describe it more precisely :) The app is "green" or "default" every time?
Am on Chakra, using KDE 4.7.1, x86_64. Whenever I launch TransferMe I get the green interface, but would like the default one. I can't locate an options.bin file on my system. You can see the build procedure I followed here, please let me know if I missed something:
Thanks, it was helpful :) The app did not have the permission to create a file with the settings in /usr/bin/ Try the new version, 1.0.2.
Unfortunately the problem is still there. Everything that I mention above is the same. Isn't it normal that an application can't write in /usr/bin? Shoulnd't the settings be stored somewhere else, like in a .transferme folder under /home or similar?
Check out your HOME environment variable. Does it contain the correct path? OR, you can specify any path you want in "mainwindow.cpp", lines 277 and 625. QFile FileOpt( QDir::homePath() + QDir::separator() + QString("transferme_options.bin") );
Thank you for this app and for choosing to share the code under a free lisense. =)
Thank you for your work. I would like to see the source code that I can create package for i686 and x86_64 arch. Also would be nice if you add feature to change the appearance according to the system to settings.
+1 to the source code.. =)
I'd like to the source code to remain inaccessible. Does it violate any terms of the licences under which the libraries are distributed? And what terms should I define for my executable? I'm not fully familiar with licencing yet... p.s. "enable/disable style" option added, thanks for notice :)
Hey, Sad to hear that. In that case you should move your project to
I wrote down some thoughts in the readme file(, you may want to read it. In my opinion, this application is far more close to free software than to proprietary.
Hey, I think you misunderstood the definition of "Free Software" and "Proprietary Software". Free Software is software that gives users freedom to study, change and redistribute the program. So distributing the source code is a prerequisite for this. In other words, Free software is not about money, but about freedom. This means you can sell Free Software or not, just like you can sell Proprietary software or not. Your application is in the category of Proprietary and free (as in zero price), usually called Freeware, which is totally different from Free Software as i explained above. Checkout these wikipedia links: I have no problem whatsoever with you releasing proprietary software, it's your program, it's your choice. However this is not the correct place for publishing Proprietary software, that's why you got some comments asking for the source code. ;)
Okay than, enjoy :) Sorry, but there are no comments...almost... laziness is one of the virtues of a programmer, remember? :D (I'm joking)
Nice application. Except the Look and Fell ( personal taste ;) ) It realy works. GOOD Job !