Rapidshare Downloader
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Note: You must have Rapidshare.com premium account to use this program, see readme first.
* New download history feature
* Basic history functions
* Improve tray icon: adding useful tool tips and popups with options to disable theme
0.4.2 :
* Possible to add URLs from clipboard to the end or begin of the current list
0.4.1 :
* New options to automatic load URLs list at start-up
* Fix bug with detection of download speed: b/s, Kb/s and Mb/s are possible
* Fix problem with multiple download of one file
* Some clean in code and minor bug fix
0.4.0 :
* New features and UI for Options and Edit List Dialogs (Thanks to Eduard Kalinowski)
0.3.2 :
* Add new icons
* Improve and fix for the code
0.3.1 :
* Add tray icon
* Some minor bugs fix
0.3 :
* Urls list pop-up for multiple file downloading
* Save/Load Urls list
* Add speed, ETA, size, download counter
* Fix bugs for progress, length, user settings
* Update the interface
0.2 :
* Add Progress bar
* Abort Option
* Install script
0.1 :
* First release
Ratings & Comments
It can not download any file here. Just getting : "There was an error downloading the file. It may be Incompleted" error and files with just a few KBs.
Hi, Did you configure your account correctly (readme file) ?
Sure, i did. Direct Downloads and Random Selection of Servers activated
This message usually appear when it is authentication problem, so try to re-enter your account information in the program settings
There's no problem with KDE 4.3.4 now Thanks for the application again ;)
Mandriva i586 rpm http://www.mandrivalinux.gr/rpm/2010.0/i586/rapid-down-0.5.0-1mlgr2010.0.i586.rpm
Thanks :)
Seems there's still no possibility to use free download with your app. Sniff.
Sorry, Karbofos who is working on that but he is very busy with there real life, please wait a little bit more ;)
to implement something like Freerapid. Freerapid is Java and uses too much ressources. But a native one would be nice. Greetings
i think, the concurrence software must be different implemented. in our case, i mean, user do not need so much information in main window. and to copypaste other ideas is not so good. but our edit window can be extended with icons. :)
How about adding free downloading? At the moment I'm using baltazar, but it lacks a lot of faatures like removing urls, rearranging et.al. Greetings m0nk
Hi, Maybe in the next version (0.5) we add support for no premium account best regards.
Hi! i think it will be ready at calendar week 30-31. please be patient. :)
Hi! if you need, i can compile an statical application. It will be bigger, but this program don't need external libraries. The size will be about 5 to 10 MBytes, 32 bit version, x686, distribution independent. Of course, i can compile 64bit version too. best regards!
Hi, Yeah sure, but i think that all linux distribution have Qt4 library, no ?
not ever. ;) if any distribution have another version of qt4, then it can be problematic. Example: compiled with version 4.4.3 and user start the application with version 4.3.x and so. of course, better way is to compile source code at local machine. or to compile for exactly version of qt libraries.
OK, I'm waiting for you