Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Added antialiasing
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Hello community. Even if this very very usefull plugin haven't been updated since a while, I'll post here the method to make it compatible with Qt5 (I made it with Qt 5.4.2). It takes me quite long time to make it running, so if it can be useful for someone... In qswitchplugin.pro, change CONFIG line by : QT += widgets designer CONFIG += plugin release In qswitchplugin.h, between Q_OBJECT and Q_INTERFACES, add : Q_PLUGIN_METADATA(IID "org.qt.QDesignerCustomWidgetInterface") In qswitchplugin.cpp, before #include <QtPlugin>, add : #include <QtDesigner> AND comment the last line : Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(customwidgetplugin, QSwitchPlugin) In qswitch.h, remove ';' add the end of each Q_PROPERTY line.
The .pro file must include the following CONFIG += build_all to build not only the debug version. Also there is no readme file or examples which explains how to use the code.
Does anyone have a wav of that cool mechanical sound produced when the switch, which is represented by this widget, state is switched?
Nice Idea! I mean to add sounds to widgets. I'll try to do something for this issue. bye paolo
Something's broken on the voting. I voted "good" and the rating score went down. I even double-checked the location in my address bar, and confirmed I did indeed vote "good". I swear this has happened a couple other times in the past few days too. Sorry =/.