Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Version 0.4 uses fewer dependencies outside of Qt. It needs Qt Gui, Network and Sql.
The command line options are much nicer and more general than in v0.3. Of course the weather in the images isn't any better, but it is December, so what do you expect.
Image loading is smoother with Qt Network, mainly because it is asynchronous.
A windows installer will follow shortly, when I have had time to do elementary testing on Windows.
Ratings & Comments
There it is, version 0.4 is available now. Version 0.3 isn't available any more through this link.
probably sunday if the weather doesn't get too bad
I dlike to compile this app, but I have some problem. In install file I ve found this lines: Prerequisits: ------------- You need on Linux: Qt4.5 libmysqlconn libccgnu2 My question is: what is libmysqlconn? I cannot find anything about it? Any adress for sources of this library? Need help
libmysqlconn is the MySql Connector/C++library. You can get it form MySql.com, for example at http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/#connector-cpp. Some linux distros have it. Note that this is the one currently supported (sort of) by MySql. There is another independent one, it is not the same API. Or you can wait a few days until I post the new version that uses QtSql instead.
I am using mandriva 2010, and I haven't this library in my repo. Maybe I will wait some few days :) I have another question, could you use cmake insted of qmake ?
I suppose I could use cmake, but why would I want to? Seriously, the cmake manual is seriously bad. Someone needs to rewrite it.
hmm good question IMHO compilation with cmake is more user friendly than qmake (easier to find and understand some mistake during compilation. Secondly I heard it is better, for example KDE use it, but of courde the choice is your. I have antother sugestion, could you add some possibility to check also teperature? This app colud be great weather forcasting aplication, so no more watching it in TV :)
The temperature data depends on what images you put in the database. The viewer doesn't know what it is displaying. Getting numerical data along with the images could be an interesting extension. Maybe you can explain to me how to make cmake packages, so I don't have to read their ugly manual again :)
I have no idea how to do this, I am only poor Linux user :) Hmmm, so when can we expect new wersion of CloudTrack?