Fedora Core 3, Xorg 6.8.2 with composite enabled, KDE 3.4.1
nVidia card with nVidia driver 1.0-6629 (Important: You have to stick to this version, Otherwise your desktop will freeze)
XORG setup:
To enable composite:
Section "Extensions"
Option "Composite" "true"
Device Section, Please make sure you have following options as well:
Driver "nvidia"
Option "RenderAccel" "true"
Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
Baghira cvs:
Download "Baghira CVS" from http://baghira.sourceforge.net/download.htm
Baghira Universal Help:
Start Button/ Sidebar / Baghira Menu:
These are current features (refer http://baghira.sourceforge.net/help.htm)
Hide Sidebar tabs:
Setting 'Hide' option 'true' in ~/.kde/share/config/konquerorsidebartngrc
Icon Text shadow:
Add following to ~/.kde/share/config/kdesktoprc
under FMSETTINGS add:
ShadowParameters=0, 1, 16.0, 192.0, 2, 4, 0
Download KXDocker from http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=10955
Lucida Grande, AppleGaramond, Lucida MAC
Karamba Themes:
Try with your taste (Ex: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2436

Ratings & Comments
How can i get that animated "loading" icon to Konqueror? I've made my own Mac osX desktop and that's the only thing remaining to complete it so I'd really appreciate an answer:)
I like it. Very well done. What's your wallpaper? Thanks.
Could you please help me? I cannot find the reference how to change the sidebar (and konqueror in the whole deal) to look like on your first screenshot :( Could you please please explain it? Thank you!
I also have problems with configuring konqueror correctly... any help from the author of this icon-pack would be most appreciated! =)
Hi man, nice desktop :-) Frankly I have got a problem, I really want to have so nice desktop as yours, could you just tell me what I need to do to have this MacOS_X-like window decoration on my desktop too???? My problem is how to but this Baghira Decoration on my Kubuntu 5.10 . Help me please, THX
simply follow the link : http://baghira.sourceforge.net/OS_Clone-en.php And of course, you can find help on the forum -- Arnaud
THX I'll try and report :-)
What top bar is used in the screenshots? Thnaks in advace,
Go to Control Center>Desktop>Behavior select "Current application's menu bar (MacOS style)" To configure it further to the tune of OS 10, download baghira and go through the tutorial at baghira.sourceforge.net
Hi. I have a problem with the menu bar size ... I have a laptop so I use 8p size fonts, the problem is that the menubar get very small when the system menus fonts are that small and the icons (shortcuts on the menubar or applets) get distorted. This problem is solved if the system menu fonts are about 10p because the menubar need to grow what can I do?? PD: sorry my bad engilsh
uhm... how did you get your konquerors toolbar buttons that light? mine are much darker with baghira... yours look better :D and how did you set up only the menu bar without a main bar? how did you change your trays icons, especially the wifi ones etc, so they look like macosx? is this also handled by the icon packs?
Where the wallpaper and icons on desktop were you download?
I downloaded CVS of baghira but I still don't have the sidebar like finder thing :( please how do you get that dam thing to install? My distro is Suse 9.3 Pro.
If you haven't get it on the sidebar tabs, right click on an empty area of the tab, and you'll get a pop up menu to add new sidebar plugins.
Yesterday, I have updated my cvs baghira to lastest version, but I noticed strange behavior of ALI menu. It runs perfect for the first time after that the scroll bar disappear.
I'm also having the same problem, and every time I have to put the ALI panel west and east from config. Hope this will be fixed before 0.7 final.
Nice screenshots. How did you manage to get Juk to look like that? I'm running baghira cvs as well, but not nearly as good as that. In fact, some windows refuse to lose the border below the titlebar, even after I tried to reset everything.
Not a special config. My default style is Panther. I've created a rule for Juk to use both Tiger syle and deco. Best thing is to move the baghira.rc file from ~/.qt and configure baghira again.
How did you get konqueror like that? I have been looking every where to get my konqueror like that! But it looks awsome!
Great job zammi ! I downloaded the iconset you mentionned, but I have problems with some icons, problems that you seem to have solved. 1) In the konqueror baghira sidebar, I still have the ugly system and network default kde icons. I have solved many icons problems by renaming icons to the right name expected by the system (for example, I added a folder_locked.png icon to be displayed for the root home directory, etc ...) but I cannot find which icons are expected for those two ones. 2) How did you make the right part of the topbar ? It isn't really a system tray, is it ? What did you put in it ? 3) When I enable transparency in baghira, I have a shadow for the kxdocker, that's not very nice. You seem to have removed it. How ? TIA -- Arnaud
1. I'm not sure how I've done, but you can try creating icons "system.png" and "network.png" inside the "filesystems" or "devices" folder. 2. First you can see 'ALI', that I created a simple theme for baghira Starter. Then system tray (I've given the icons), Then KDE clock (time and date), finally Baghira session manager (That's new to baghira cvs). 3. Try this simple script: http://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=27241
Hi Is there something you need to do to get the sidebar to work? I compiled the latest version of baghira cvs and the sidebar is not installed.
En donde lo puedo encontrar ??? in where I can find it ??? ( Traducido con altavista jejejeje )
It comes with Fedora rhgb. I just transformed to make a throbber...
I like this shot, looks nice..and the panel is very cute ;)