Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Web interface for Amarok (2.x)
The current version is optimized for iPhone and at an early stage. Any sort of feedback/suggestion is appreciated!
After starting the script just open http://[ip-of-your-host-running-amarok]:8080/ in your iPhone Safari browser. If port 8080 is already in use change "PORT" in "$HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok-webui/conf.js"). The default credentials are login=foo pw=bar67#. They can be changed in conf.js, too.
I tested the script with Amarok 2.2 on Debian unstable.
My current TODO list:
* [strike]Collection browsing.[/strike]
* [strike]Manipulation of playlist[/strike] [clear button is missing]
* [strike]Basic authentication (RFC2617)[/strike] [digest auth?]
* [strike]Play/pause/stop/reload/vol up/down button images[/strike]
* [strike]Make controls accessible from every view (modal dlg)[/strike]
* Modify navigation in collection browsing for large collections (search dlg?)
* "Push" notifications (long polling?)
* Configuration UI
0.36 2010-1-11
[indent] * Added config option to restrict access to a subnet.
* Fixed order of tracks when adding/setting an album to/as a playlist.[/indent]
0.35 2009-11-9
[indent] * Moved controls from the current-track-view to a modal dlg
which is accessible from _every_ view.
* Icon for the springboard/home screen on the iPhone.
* Smaller cover image in current-track-view.
* Minor bugfixes.[/indent]
0.3 2009-11-5
[indent] * Improved collection browsing:
Track list from an album
All tracks from an artist
* Playlist manipulation (accessible by collection browser)
Add album/all tracks from an artist to current playlist
Replace current playlist by album/all tracks from an artist
* New control buttons (play, pause, stop, reload, vol up/down)
* Code refactoring[/indent]
0.2 2009-10-31
[indent] * Added basic HTTP authentication
Since this doesn't really offer security on untrusted connections
digest authentication will probably be implemented soon.
The credentials currently are: login=foo passwd=bar67#
They can be changed in $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok-webui/conf.js
* Added collection browsing
Currently only the artists and their albums can be browsed.
Adding/replacing albums or songs from the collection to/in the
playlist will be added soon.
* Fixed error in debug message
* Code refactoring[/indent]
0.1 2009-10-28
[indent] * Initial Release[/indent]
Ratings & Comments
Hi, Since jwchile isn't maintaing this project anymore (thanks a lot for your work by the way!), I have forked the source on github https://github.com/mudar/Amarok-Apollo-WebUI The updated version has an updated look using jQuery Mobile with modern Flat UI. The new App, Amarok Apollo WebUI is available here on kde-apps: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/WebUI?content=114438 Your feedback/comments/suggestions are most welcome! I'm also working on an Android app, which would be an update to Amarok2 Remote by h0lger. Thanks, mudar
Hi Mudar, I believe the correct URL is http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/Amarok+Apollo+WebUI?content=159671, right? I'll update the description. Cheers, Johannes
I added the current features: - ability to play saved playlist - ability to play tracks by album - ability to change random play - ability to change current playng song from the active playlist in real time Is anyone interested in manteining the project? How I can collaborate and post my version?
Marco, you can send pull requests to https://github.com/jwchile/WebUI-for-Amarok and I'll review it. jwchile gave me write access to the repository although I have no idea on how to publish the newest versions to KDE-apps.org.
One nice feature would be the ability to append single tracks to the playlist Should not be that hard. Who could do it ?
Man, you shuld consither this fix for the amarokctrl.js addTracksToPlaylist = function(tracksQueryResult){ for (trackIdx = 0; trackIdx < tracksQueryResult.length; trackIdx++) { var q = Amarok.Collection.query('SELECT uniqueid FROM urls WHERE id = ' + tracksQueryResult[trackIdx] + ';'); uid = q[0]; Amarok.Playlist.addMedia( new QUrl( uid ) ); } }
Hey Dan, thanks for the fix. I'm not really using this Amarok frontend anymore and therefore stopped updating it. In case anyone is interested in maintaining it please contact me. Cheers, Johannes
I'm interested in manteining alive the project. I made some modifications: # ablity to play track directly from playlist (added play button instead of image even for faster loading) # added collection scan button in control section # added ability to surf by genre (very useful to build playlists based on tags) #ability to enable or disable shuffle #ability to surf saved playlist (with some limitations..): 1. if the tracks are not in the collection is not working 2. if the tracks are streams is not working.. I need some new features in Amaroks2 API If the author allow me I will share my modded version
Great:) I've published my git repository at https://github.com/jwchile/WebUI-for-Amarok for collaboration. Does anyone know wether an KDE Apps project can have more than one maintainer? Cheers, Johannes
Hi, I love this script, it kicks ass ! BUT, it is currently broken with amarok 2.4.x (GIT). You can connect & browse collection from the webui interface, but "Append to playlist" & "set album as playlist" do not work anymore !!! Any idea ?
Well, it does actually work, but it does not handle external collections (like my USB drive).
Man, you shuld consither this fix for the amarokctrl.js addTracksToPlaylist = function(tracksQueryResult){ for (trackIdx = 0; trackIdx < tracksQueryResult.length; trackIdx++) { var q = Amarok.Collection.query('SELECT uniqueid FROM urls WHERE id = ' + tracksQueryResult[trackIdx] + ';'); uid = q[0]; Amarok.Playlist.addMedia( new QUrl( uid ) ); } }
Hi, it doesn't work here in Rekonq (Webkit), Opera or IceCat (FF), all at their latest versions with Amarok 2.4.0 on KDE 4.6.0. While I can browse my music collection I can't click on any track and the Append Tracks to Playlist and Set Tracks as Playlist buttons don't work either. Btw: 1. buttons are showed like that only in Rekonq, in Opera and IceCat they don't - just to lines of text with center alingment. 2. Since WebUI can now be installed right from Amarok's script manager you *must* add a notice guiding new users to check the README file for login credentials and additional info in the "About" WebUI dialog and of course the README should be easy to locate and read (may be a clickable link?) - keep in mind not everyone enjoy using the console, some end-END users just want things work, that's wy W$ and Mac are so popular ;-D 3. Do you plan to translate WebUI? If so I would love to work the spanish translation. Cheers
Im currently working in a translation to spanish, among other fixes. Ive never done a fork of a project before, so if someone can tell me how to do it, I'll be glad to upload my changes! Saludos, Dan
FYI it works like a charm on webOS (palm pre, first gen.), thanks a lot for this one!
Great stuff, thank you so much, I was so happy to have found this and that it works so easily! Still interested in continuing on this / collecting ideas? To make it perfect (for me), these'd be my thoughts: - allow single songs to be played right way and/or added to the playlist (currently need to add album and navigate to right song) - "marry" view "controls" with "Current track" or show basic info of current track in view "controls" (currently need to navigate back and forth to understand what's played / where the next "interesting" song is - in playlist view, highlight the song which is currently played Anyway, just want you to know you made a happy day here...I can't describe how powerful I felt sitting on the balcony controlling amarok ! :-) Thanks and regards Andreas
I feel like a total idiot, but how do I start this script? What command do I execute? Thanks
Install the script in Amarok 2.x's Script Manager; then in the Script Manager turn the script on with a checkmark. Restart Amarok and it should be running! Then in a browser visit and log in with the credentials supplied in the app's description, and/or edit the file at $HOME/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/amarok-webui/conf.js
Excellent! thank you very much.
Is there a way to disable authentication?
Hi, I have an android touch screen phone. I can browse the collection, browse the playlist & view the current track. The player controls are working aswell. However I can't add files to my playlist. Is there anything I can do to get the ui to add tracks? BTW, well done with the work so far, "Web UI" is a great app! Thanks AubreyBourke.
Hi Aubrey, I'm glad you like it. Currently I don't have an Android phone for testing; this will probably change in 2-3 months. I'll look into it as soon as possible. Johannes
I just got an Android (Motorola Cliq) last night and this script is one of the first things I've done :) The [Back] button uses the Play icon, and the Pause icon doesn't seem to load. It also seems a bit sluggish but that may be my work wifi, I'll need to play with this more. However, thank you very much and great job!
Also, the [Append Album as Playlist] and [Set Album as Playlist] buttons don't seem to work, on the Android browser nor in my Iceweasel 3.5.x browsers.
These two buttons do look like buttons on the Android browser but not in Iceweasel; using Rekonq (WebKit) browser they do look like buttons there also but, like everywhere I've tried, the buttons still don't function.