you can browse genres and search for stations
for any suggestions and/or bugs (bug fixes preferred

hope you like it!
-update 2.11
another temporary solution
-update 2.1
changed url for fetching the results, I hope this time it's gonna last longer..
-update 2.0
it was time to get searching working again!
here are the changes:
- searching via amarok's fiter
- specify wanted bitrate while searching: add 'br=192' to the query for stations with bitrate 192; e.g. 'house br=192'
- added shoutcast's top500 stations at the top of the ganres (you can limit number of fetched stations in preferences)
- preselected list of common genres (instead of showing all 300+ of them); this can be changed in preferences
- preferences
- set limit of fetched stations when browsing, searching and for Top500 (shoutcast's top stations)
- make a list of your preferred genes by enabling/disabling them
note: there might be some issues with fetching and displaying stations if you have less than 6 genres selected, so make sure, you select at least 6 of them!
-update 1.01
a really small update, script stopped working because shoutcast urls were changed. Thanks to a-glazachev's comment I hadn't even have to look them up

[strike]note: search had to be implemented in that way because i couldn't get the amarok's filter option to work properly...[/strike]
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great genial me funciono amarok 2.9
Cannot get this working in 2.6 either
Hi, I just tested it, I'm on archlinux with kde 4.9 and Amarok 2.6 and it works; both expanding stations and searching. The only thing is that it takes some time to get the results, sometimes up to 3 sec, but I can not do much here.
Self compiled 4.9.2 and Amarok 2.6 here. No shoutcast entries show up any more. Worked fine with an older Amarok about 6 months ago though?
The script is completely broken as of now...
Hi, thanks for notice, I'll look into it today/tomorrow
The "tralala" service does not even show up under internet services anymore... amarok 2.5 here
once i installed the qt4-qtscript bindings it works... amarok needs a dependency on that 0.o
Ok, I just tested it in wondows version, its Amarok 2.4 and the script works without problem. Is it working for you too? Maybe shoutcast was down or had some problems..
It's broken only on new amarok 2.5
Hi, Thanks a lot for this script! It works flawless. I would just appreciate if would be possible to insert a column to display listeners count in the list of stations. Thanks rodrigo
Hi, ok, I will add this on next update. For now, you can see this information in amarok's "info panel" (where you can see lyrics, track info, ... - see screenshots :))
Thanks for your fast reply and your effort to develop it!
Works perfectly!! Endless supply of music via ShoutCast - tralala. ;-) Installed on Amarok Version 2.4.0 Using KDE 4.6.2 (4.6.2) Thanks!
116823-shoutcast_service_2.11.amarokscript.tar.bz2 It is working very well. THXS and Happy New Year!
It doesn't work anymore for me: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <response><statusCode>441</statusCode><statusText>devId or k usage limit reached</statusText><statusDetailText>USAGE_LIMIT</statusDetailText></response>
gzip: stdin: not in gzip format tar: Child returned status 1 tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now ;((( can't open it.....
hi, i just tried to open it and it works. you can install it via amarok: tools-script manager- install new- get new scripts- search for soutcast and install it
Thank you. It works!
"Error getting the stations for genre....." :( in file ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/scripts/shoutcast_service/SHcast.js - http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/newxml.phtml + http://api.shoutcast.com/legacy/genrelist?k=so1N15vhCB78Z6k4&
I just updated the script with that exact patch and then I saw this comment :D
Oh... new trouble... <response> <statusCode> 441 </statusCode> <statusText> devId or k usage limit reached </statusText> <statusDetailText> USAGE_LIMIT </statusDetailText> </response> use in url &limit=.. of range 1-100 don't halp need use new k value but i don't known what is API Dev ID http://dev.aol.com/SHOUTcast/documentation PS: sorry for my english
Hi, the problem is that shoutcast changed their policy about accessing and searching the lists of stations. Application must get its key in order to get the results and to get the key, developer has to agree to some shoutcast's terms and requests (like displaying adds and other things). That's why Amarok, VLC and others dropped their integrated shoutcast services. The key currently used in this script (since 2.1 update) was posted by some friendly user but it seems it was banned by the shoutcast. There is some other way I could make this script work; I wanted to do it that way but I couldn't because there are two bugs in Qt's qtscript bindings: [url]http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/issues/detail?id=65 [/url] and [url]http://code.google.com/p/qtscriptgenerator/issues/detail?id=75 [/url] so currently there is not much I can do besides asking developers to fix those bugs.
Worked fine when first install it... Now I get error when click on some genre or making search?!?
Yes, I know, the link where stations and genres are listed currently doesn't work: http://yp.shoutcast.com/sbin/newxml.phtml (the list is empty) I hope this is just temporarily but last year they were saying they were gonna do this (cut us off :S). If that's the case, I'll have to find another stations list source.. I'll wait a few days in hope it starts working again