Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
2005-09-28 03:49:32 + tarball for easy download
2005-09-28 04:03:18
+ links to download Crystal win deco, color scheme and wallpaper
+ link to Lipstik style and KBFX button
Ratings & Comments
I already have that stuff. can you please tell me how to customize Crystal windeco in order to make it look larger, like yours? and how to put that button as my Kmenu button? thanks!
well, also how to make that Crystal Windeco upper size shiny ;) thanks, bye bye ^_^
Shiny effect is under "Overlay" tab "Overlay for Active Window" -> "Simple Lighting"
In kcontrol windeco settings there's under "General" tab "Border width" set to 12 and "Titlebar height" set to 24.
For kmenu button you need kbfx installed and then just drag and drop the green gel image on the kbfx applet in the panel. then to have these mouseover and active effects applied, you have to manualy edit ~/.kbfx/config and write the image names there as- hover_skin=/path/to/the/images/KBFX/gel_over.png
- pressed_skin=/path/to/the/images/KBFX/gel_pressed.png