Description: this is based off of a style i used to use when i used windows. reluna theme with GANT icons. this is made of plastik and umicons, close enough. i found the wall on google. you'll need umicons from changelog:
added a konqueror background to match the wallpaper.
This theme is the best!! When I minimize a window, the window at the taskbar has a grey background; how can I change it to transparent? And how can I remove the "line" between system tray and clock? (Sorry about my english) Thanks!
First off - nice theme.
- OK how do you get the pager to show the window preview in the panel?
I've googled it and I can find nothing. I'm using KDE 3.3, and the pager is always just gray or transparent boxes. When I "Launch Pager", I can show desktop preview pictures in a separate window, but I can't get this to happen in the panel applet itself.
This theme is the best!! When I minimize a window, the window at the taskbar has a grey background; how can I change it to transparent? And how can I remove the "line" between system tray and clock? (Sorry about my english) Thanks!
Very cool theme :) I like the konqueror background now I just with they would make a patch so it stays pinned with the window and dosent scroll the picture.
Ratings & Comments
There is KDE 3.4 on this screenshot, then transparents taskbar is possible...
This theme is the best!! When I minimize a window, the window at the taskbar has a grey background; how can I change it to transparent? And how can I remove the "line" between system tray and clock? (Sorry about my english) Thanks!
First off - nice theme. - OK how do you get the pager to show the window preview in the panel? I've googled it and I can find nothing. I'm using KDE 3.3, and the pager is always just gray or transparent boxes. When I "Launch Pager", I can show desktop preview pictures in a separate window, but I can't get this to happen in the panel applet itself. Thanks.
This theme is the best!! When I minimize a window, the window at the taskbar has a grey background; how can I change it to transparent? And how can I remove the "line" between system tray and clock? (Sorry about my english) Thanks!
what're the windows decoration?
I like this Theme!! Good work
Very cool theme :) I like the konqueror background now I just with they would make a patch so it stays pinned with the window and dosent scroll the picture.
but that would only work with an svg pic. ATM, konqi doesnt support that. file a feature request?
oh, nm. i misunderstood. ya, it probably would look better if it didnt scroll like that.
just wanted to say "thank you, very much ;-)" really liked that it can be installed through KControl theme page.
hey could u maybe post alink to the icons i've been always wanting this one.