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This is somehow a fan project. I made this because some users reported problems with the kore suite but were not replied by code2 (probably because he has a lot of work). So, this is just a mod of his work that is excluded of some bugs. Please contact me (write a comment here) if you have problems, I'll do everything to improve this theme.
Here is the link to code2's work:
I just want to show how beautiful KORE is. What I changed:
I converted the KBFX file from png to mng and added over the opensuse-Kmenu file, because I think its opensuse-KMenu>KBFX>normal KMENU (KBFX is a bit buggy on my PC, scrolling screws up everything).
I set the Icon Theme to Crystal Project by everaldo and made the size of the .desktop-files to 128.
Superkaramba files (which fit perfect in KORE, I think) are KornerMonitor by puremaggot.
But I didnt change anything of the original KORE files since I think they are just perfect.
I hope code2 will take on work on Icon Theme and all other unfinished or not even started KORE projects.
KORE is the best work on I've found so far. All the tribut goes to code2 and the other authors mentioned.

SS1: KORE wallpaper, Icon size 64
SS2: Keltern wallpaper ( blueSceaDa
SS3: same as SS1 but with 128 size.

So, attention, here comes all the info:
_*)You need Compiz Fusion and emerald.
"Where do I get it?" If you have a package manager like YaST, it should be listed automatically. If not, here is the official website:

_*)You need Domino.
"Where do I get it?" Here:
"How to install it?" Unzip it. Open a Konsole and cd to the directory you've just created. type "./configure" and WAIT. If it tells you something is missing, install those packages.
Type "make".
Type "make install".
notice: I am not 100% sure about this since I can't check now.
Go to Control Panel-> LooknFeel -> Style ->Select Domino.

_*)You need superkaramba.
"Where do I get it?" Here: I think (can't remember well ^^) you can install it just with ./configure, make and make install.

-*)You need the KornerMonitor. Get it here:

_*)You need the Iconset Crystal Project.
"Where do I get it?" Here:
"So, I've finally managed to install everything. What to do now?"
-Open Emerald Theme Managerand import the Emerald Theme KORE.
Open Control Panel and go Control Panel-> LooknFeel -> Style ->Configure ->Load/Save ->Import the KORE config.
Now Import the KornerMonitor-themes with superkaramba and place them right.

Now the Iconset: Untar the tarball.
Make a new folder called "crystalproject" in /usr/share/icons (you will have to do it as root) and simply copy everything there. The icons set will then be displayed in KDE Control Center under the Icons tab.

0.0.1 -> 0.1 :: I have added the Emerald KORE decoration with smaller side docorations.
0.1-> :: sKy project added.

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Hi, I cannot find a file(profile) for compiz - ModifiedforKORE.profile Where can I find it?


Right after you downloaded it, rename it from "645464-KoreX.kth" (or another number) to "KoreX.kth" or it CANT work. If youve done this, import with the kcontrol section theme management or so.


Just open kcontrol and import the design theme.


I have updated the file. Just open kcontrol and go to the theme manager and import the file KoreX.kth. Sorry that I didnt notice you earlier. I really have to apologize. Hope it will work now.


Hi again, I' sorry, but can someone explain me here, in a more detailed way, the steps to install this Kore reviving theme? I'm trying and trying, but I cannot understand what I have to do. Thanks in advance.


Hi there, I love the images posted about this theme, but unfortunatly I can't put this "KORE Reviving" theme working! I have downloaded and installed all the programs (Compiz Fusion and Emerald; Domino; Supercaramba; KornerMonitor and the Crystalset icons), but I cannot find the files I need to import to the programs mentioned above. I think that those files could be available on the KORE Reviving page. Or probably, is me that cannot find them... :) Any help about this? Thanks in advance.


I am nearly finished with a blue-white style (Emerald&Domino&KTH) and now writing the configure script so it can be easily installed with one click(what appears not so easy since its my first time writing a sh-script^^) But I think its really good- its the first theme I made I am really proud of.


glad to hear, i look forward to the next version. hopefully it will be possible for someone like suse's Packman to package the whole lot up as an easy to install rpm file so I can install it without a heart attack. :)


I am nearly finished with a blue-white style (Emerald&Domino&KTH) and now writing the configure script so it can be easily installed with one click(what appears not so easy since its my first time writing a sh-script^^) But I think its really good- its the first theme I made I am really proud of.


i am looking forward to trying this on opensuse 10.3. many thanks.


All of you who like the design of Kore but no dark themes, check out sKy by me (see the download links).


please keep developing it. regards


Hello, Please, what is your color theme? Thanks.


Its the KORE color scheme :P You can ONLY get it from here or from code2's theme-manager theme.


Some have reported problems that occured (Apply didnt do anything). I got those problems too and now I found the solution: Just rename the folder in /home/david/.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/<number>KOREX to ~/.kde/share/apps/kthememanager/themes/KOREX/. This will help.


i think the Kore theme looks very good, but i dont like the sides of the window decoration. they're too wide. could you make them at least half smaller?


I like it like that, but I can understand why you don't, so I will make a version with smaller side decorations.


Done, I've succeeded. Link added.


Please, everyone who likes this theme do what I've told in the instructions and tell me what is working and what I have forgotten to do. And please also tell your distribution. I cant do this, sorry. Thanks!


thanks for being considerate enough to respond. Most do but enough do not to make this a rude place at times...your work is appreciated.


running Granular Linux, using the theme manager to install theme. Korex is in my home folder/themes, chose it when asked to navigate to theme to be installed, click open, korex appears in the list of themes, click it and it says "no preview available". Choose it anyway and click apply... still waiting. I've had this happen on a couple of others. what oversimple thing am I overlooking? h


i have the same problem in my pclinux 2007


You have to install all of those first: This theme is only a modified version of the original because there were things I was very unhappy with (unreadable tooltips, very small fonts). I will update everything as soon as I am home and give you a detailed instruction.


I reaaaaaaaaaally dislike how so many people are copying MSFT's look. HOWEVER, this looks amazing compared to most of the others. I never comment on them (because my thoughts are usually too venomous). If mimicry is the sincerest form of flattery, MSFT should feel ashamed they didn't make their product look THIS good.


I disagree with you KORE being a copy of Windows. KORE is inspired a bit from it a bit, but its mainly something new and different. The Menu is just convenient, I dont think removing it just because its "window-ish" is necessary. If every new design had to be completely different from all others, there would be no evolution. Maybe I also dont understand what you are trying to say.

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