All the new efforts have moved to Latte Dock!!!

the following days there will be announcements and info about the new kid in the block!!!
KDE Store:
All New Versions will be included inside the Now Dock Panel at:
Ratings & Comments
Hello, I am using plasma 5.8 and I cannot get the transparency script to creates another theme but it is not transparent. It happened the same when I had plasma 5.7. Any tips? thank you
You must disable the following Desktop Effects: - Blur - Background Contrast If this does not work, which theme are u using?
It worked!! thank you for such a quick reply!!!
Plasmoid works well under Plasma 5.8 here :)
u are right ! :) there are some features now working though, e.g. dropping a launcher from outside and screen filtering,but both of them will be fixed in version 0.4 ...
I mean not working....
Really nice work! For me, it still has some issues, like the not-so-smooth width resizing of the panel, and lacking the window management options like the plasma task manager, but I'm very interested on how the project evolves. Thank you for your work.
thank u @lucaslima, for "not-so-smooth width resizing of the panel" actually this is based on the plasma panel implementation and I havent found a way to overcome it... This is why I am setting alsmost a double panel width in order not to need to resize itself for "window management options" are you referring to "minimize, maximize etc.", I didnt include them in order to not clutter the menu choices, you can open a ticket for this in the project's github page,
Dear admin thanks For sharing Such Information. Your Article is a Very Useful and feature of this new plasma is really wonderful and information is really outstanding.
I know this widget doesn't support Plasma 5.8 yet but just wanted to say I am looking forward to using this so thanks for your efforts.
in a few days I will switch to Plasma 5.8 in order to prepare and bake 0.4 versions... ;) I hope only that my system's upgrade from Plasma 5.7 to 5.8 in going to be a smooth one in order not to lose days in that...
My error: Error loading QML file: file:///home/myuser/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kdelook.nowdock/contents/ui/main.qml:9:1: module "org.kde.taskmanager" is not installed
Now Dock needs at least Plasma >= 5.7, you probably use lower version...
I've got an error: Error loading QML file: file:///home/pump/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kdelook.nowdock/contents/ui/main.qml:169:9: Cannot assign to non-existent property "screen" P.S. >$ plasmashell --version plasmashell 5.7.90
I suppose you are using master from plasma... There is a change probably in the new libtaskmanager... I dont know yet... I will use 5.8 when it is published.. the specific line is used only for filtering tasks by screen. If you dont use a second screen you can temporarily comment that line by using // in the beginning of that line in main.qml file
This is really starting to look good Michail. A good successor to my old favourites kooldock and ksmoothdock. Is there any information on how to use the now dock panel? I can add the widget to the desktop OR to another standard plasma5 panel but I'm not sure how to use the now dock panel. Any suggestions? Thanks...
thanks gzu... how to use the Now Dock Panel: - you install from master branch the Now Dock Plasmoid, - you install from master branch the Now Dock Panel, to install them you can use for each "plasmapkg2 -i" or "plasmapkg2 -u" for update. For Plasma a panel is just a plasmoid with special behavior. After that you Unlock your Widgets and in you "Add Panel" list there is a record called "Empty Now Dock Panel", that's all ... The Now Dock Panel is just a Plasma panel and uses fully its infrastructure... Tips: 1. If you download the master branch for Now Dock Panel you can simply install it with the command: plasmapkg2 - i 2, If you download the master branch for Now Dock Plasmoid you can can simply update it with the command: plasmapkg2 -i
* small typing error, 2, If you download the master branch for Now Dock Plasmoid you can can simply update it with the command: plasmapkg2 -u
Thanks Michail, got it working with tranparent "oxygen South" panel. Some applications like in my case firefox when "Show a launcher when not running" is selected just leaves a blank space/icon. I think you are working on drag and drop to re-order the launchers, I think ksmoothdock had an option for move left/right (up/down). It would be good to fefine a custom icon for a launcher. Keep up the good work.
Happy to hear! 1) Dragging an item to rearrange them has been implemented but you need to have your widgets locked in order to work 2) the blank space for firefox happens all the time? If you open a firefox window and then close it, does the firefox launcher is still blank? 3) define a custom icon for a launcher is a feature request? open in the github page please: To be honest I dont know if this feature is needed....
Hi First image with Firefox open before "Show a launcher when not running" is selected. Second image after and Firefox is closed. Thanks.
Ohhh! It is not showing at all! BTW, I like a lot your panel!! :)
Managed to fix my firefox icon problem by switching icon theme the reverting back to original icon set. It's possible to customise icons by editing the .desktop file.
Nice to hear!! In the following version, the icon mechanism-internals has been updated a lot... So I believe that these issues will not appear any more...