Oranchelo is a flat-design icon theme based on Super Flat Remix(https://github.com/daniruiz/Super-Flat-Remix) and inspired by "Corny icons" by Patryk Goworowski
************ Special Thanks *************
Przemek Skweres (Designer of the original places icons in previous versions of this icon theme)
************ Description of the Original Oranchelo Icons Theme *************
You can use the Oranchelo PPA(https://launchpad.net/~oranchelo/+archive/ubuntu/oranchelo-icon-theme):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:oranchelo/oranchelo-icon-theme
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oranchelo-icon-theme
or download equivalent .deb for 14.04 Trusty Tahr(https://www.dropbox.com/s/mtteh9eaifkhr5n/oranchelo-icon-theme_0.7.2.8~ubuntu14.04.1_all.deb?dl=0) or 16.04 Xenial Xerus(https://www.dropbox.com/s/vv6qmjkm9k29n4v/oranchelo-icon-theme_0.7.2.8~ubuntu16.04.1_all.deb?dl=0).
##### Arch and derivatives
You can install Oranchelo from AUR(https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/oranchelo-icon-theme-git):
yaourt oranchelo-icon-theme-git
#####Fedora and RPM-based
You can download .rpm here(https://www.dropbox.com/s/a9pkuecgrtnszrq/oranchelo-icon-theme-
#####From sources
Clone or download repository and install it traditionally:
sudo make install
or using interactive installer:
Do not forget set the execution permissions for script installer!
#####Manual installation
Alternatively, Download the ZIP file and extract it to the directories Oranchelo and Oranchelo-Green to `/usr/share/icons` or `~.local/share/icons`
###Getting the Source
The source for Oranchelo Icon Theme can be found here(http://zayronxio.deviantart.com/art/Oranchelo-icons-beta-v0-7-2-56734636

Packages sources:
- Oranchelo-icon-theme-pkgbuild-arch(https://github.com/fjospinas/oranchelo-incon-theme-pkgbuild-arch)
- Oranchelo-icon-theme-spec-for-fedora(https://github.com/fjospinas/Oranchelo-icon-theme-spec-for-fedora)
For any suggestion or request icons exists a group in Facebook(https://www.facebook.com/groups/887649787956083/).
###Inspired projects
#####Simplex Icons
Fork (http://dannexreloadex.deviantart.com/art/Simplex-icons-v0-2-beta-597696153) from Simple Icons by Camilo Higuita and inspired by Oranchelo Icon Theme by Zayronxio.
Ratings & Comments
9 9 excellent You could make folders in other colors to make it look perfect.
8 8 great
7 7 good
9 I made an account just to rate this icon pack. It is truely awesome!
Thank you soooo much.
This is one of my favorites!! (y)
Thanks mate
On gnome 3.22 the nautilus icon is missing yet (on the dockbar) . Anyway, i really love this icon theme!
I'm tested this theme only on GNOME 3.22.1 in Fedora 25 beta. Yesterday I installed stable version of Fedora 25 (With GNOME 3.22.1). Nautilus is not missing. (Check the screenshots) ****BUT GNOME 3.22 nautilus is missing if you're install this icon theme with PPA, AUR and RPM. Just Download the .rar file and copy "Oranchelo" to `/usr/share/icons` or `~/.icons` folder.
Ok, thanks! I had installed via ppa. Now i just download the file and works perfectly. :-)
You're welcome. Have a nice day :)
Great job! really beautiful icons, thanks a lot.
Very beautiful icon pack, it was a long time that i didn't find a such aweson icon pack. Thanks
just one thing: it's possible to change the Telegram icon from the pannel bar? it's strange on kubuntu
This theme is really beautiful and different from the others. The only thing i don't like is the Geary icon, seems old compare to the other icons. Anyway, thanks a lot!
Thank you so much.
I make 4 folder icons (Oranchelo-Green) that where missing for me if You like: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0WWVqN0QQS-VGZ6a2hWcGFpRDg?usp=sharing
Thanks thanks thanks
now I make folders from one blue template folder, if You can please make oranchelo-blue set from it: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B0WWVqN0QQS-eTBGcHhXYlU0WUE
but I don't know why some icons have black elements not white in google drive, in my laptop everything is white
sory i forget to share: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0WWVqN0QQS-eTBGcHhXYlU0WUE
Thank you so much. I'll add these icons to the next version this icon theme. really appreciate your support. Thanks
Need one more icon. Blue color folder icon. folder.svg
OK it's done :)
Upload it to your google drive and give me the link