Plasma Aurora Bolt Fire and Ultra Dark Themes
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
GTK 3.20+
Be sure to manually select gtk-3.0/darkelements/panel.png for your Xfce4 panel background
for best integration with any selected panel plugins you might use.
** Non-backdrop state versions also included. **
+Whisker menu margin adjustments.
+Margin/padding and image adjustments to message dialog titlebars.
+Margin and padding adjustments to main header/titlebar left and right ends.
+Margin adjustment for Pavucontrol scrolled window scrollbars.
More GTK switch changes include:
+Increased slider 'off' position colouring a small amount, in 'Plus' theme variants.
+Blending header/titlebar Switches into the main bar gradient for an improved appearance.
+Checked and adjusted switch colours/levels across all states and theme variants for improved consistency.
+Removed defunct(?) header/titlebar separator code.
+Added 'separator/separator.sidebar' css to remove strange borders in Gnome Control Center.
+Removed overwhelming button images from MATE Control Center.
+Wrestled Gnome C.C. sections into a more suitable appearance.
+Added vertical margin on Mousepad search entry toolbar item.
+Fixed gaping separator space in Gnome Disks header bar.
+Gucharmap grid selected item background fixed for focused window only.
+Updated 'link:' css to now separate window link colouring from button link colouring:
Links in buttons follow same colouring as normal buttons.
Links in dialogs, text view, scrolled-windows etc now use the theme accentuated colour.(gtk.css change)
Shotwell Photo Manager:
+Adjusted searchbar padding & margins.
+Adjusted bottom bar padding & margins.
+Adjusted bottom bar zoom slider icons (at each end) margins and reduced opacity for better toolbar blending.
+Added '.view:disabled:backdrop' mostly for background-color for Synaptic Package Manager.
+Top margin adjustment for Gnome Photos 'new device' revealer notification.
+Eye of Gnome Nav-bar reworked again to improve symmetry.
+Backdrop opacity reduction applied to Eye of Gnome, Shotwell and Gnome Photos images area.
Ratings & Comments
Lol. This theme also looks pretty good on phones running phosh xD
Nice one. Didn't consider it might find its way onto a phone. Interesting to know! ;) ----------------- While I'm here, I'll just give an update on the ongoing theme work: First off not gonna lie, the relentless march of Gnome 'development' (meaning more brain melting tweaking) has meant I've not actually done much with it over the last few months. I've had a bunch of tweaks/fixes all cued up for some time now, but the arrival of Gnome 4.2 means I have more adjustments to make again. Other distractions have also diverted my attention but I will be delving back in to it, as there will likely need to be versions up to 4.1 and also 4.2 most probably. Also, I have had to make additional PIXMAP only versions for my legacy GFX IGP due to gradients no longer drawing properly. It's a bit of a grind, but hey ho. ;o
9 9 excellent
Thanks! Enjoy. :-)
I am currently experiencing broken theme gradients on my ageing Intel G43 graphics Core2Duo PC. I suspect the upgrade to Mesa 21 (from 20.3) might be the possible cause. Deleting shader cache hasn't worked, so....
More optimisations are in the pipeline sometime soon(ish). Message dialog titlebar - Fix, Shotwell Photo - top/bottom bar Adjustments/fixes, Mousepad searchbar - Adjustments, GTK Switch blended into header/titlebar, Gnome & MATE control center - Fixes, plus one or two other bits (small colour adjustments etc).
Fixes done, enough whack-a-mole for now (the mallet broke).
Post Update 'Stress Released' Observation: Right side margin error for gnome terminal. New fix coming soon. 'terminal-window > box > notebook scrollbar.vertical trough { margin-right: -2px;' Needs to be -1px.
Backdrop state fixes need for above also.
Quick Update: More small fixes to come soon (after some more testing): 1) Reduced relative 'border madness' in Eye of Gnome properties side bar. 2) Work around for status bar top border colour anomaly in backdrop state. 3) A couple or so Xfce4 application tweaks/adjustments if I can work out how to.. 4) Anything else before I lose interest and release again. ;)
9 9 excellent
Thank you. There has since been a small xfwm4 window decoration border colour fix uploaded.
7 7 good
Thank you for commenting. A new set is now available to download. ;)
10 10 the best
Thanks and enjoy. Further development is (lazily) ongoing. ;)
New round of enhancements currently WIP:- +Borders and UI surfaces (incl. child instances) will soon be utilizing independent focused and backdrop colour states. Occasional apps won't necessarily support this (or have bugs) even in GTK3. GTK2 will be modified as best as possible to blend in. +New funky companion theme variations will be included on next upload. These will have colour accented borders for the focused state giving a 'Tron' like appearance. Also, the theme background colour (not backdrop) will have a low level colour infusion to the normally black background surfaces on the focused window only (except for the Xfce desktop panels etc). Quite striking, not necessarily to all tastes. ;) Summary:- Enhanced focus windows for existing theme. Additional themes twist added for fun. Also any little fixes/adjustments along the way. ETA: As and when ever. :>
Working (hard) towards replacement of the pulled update. LibreOffice 7 threw a spanner in the works (intolerant to scrolled window margin changes). Progressing steadily...
10 10 the best
Thank you! More to come in the next weeks (sorry late reply)!
10 10 the best
It'd be cool to get a purple set in this.
Thanks for your comments. :) I have begun experimenting with the widget hue to see what works. A quite deep (cardinal) purple nudging more towards Violet seems quite nice, but setting the brightness to get the best balance between effect and backlit readability of app buttons using black icon colouring is a consideration. I might tinker with a red option too.. In any case hue changes aren't always straightforward as weird artefacts can show. Stay tuned as they say. ;)
Plasma Ultra awaits. Enjoy.
It's wonderful. Looks amazing, thank you!