Tiled Menu [Plasma 5]
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:Plasma 6 Widget: https://www.pling.com/p/2142716/
v20+ requires Plasma 5.12+
* Pin/Favourite apps/files through the context menu (or by dragging them from dolphin).
* Resizing (permanently) the size of the menu by Alt + Right Clicking and dragging.
* Any size tile 1x1, 2x2, 4x4, 4x2, 1x3, etc.
* Easily edit the background image of a tile.
* Customizable sidebar shortcuts.
* Jump to Letter/Category (can also default to this view)
* Defaulting to only showing the tiles.
* Labeling Groups of Tiles + Move Groups of Tiles + Sorting items in the group
Does not support (Win10):
* Tile Groups ("Folders")
Translations: Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Korean, Hungarian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, ...
Translators: Fill out https://github.com/Zren/plasma-applet-tiledmenu/blob/master/package/translate/template.pot, paste into https://www.hastebin.com/ and comment with the link.
v45 - April 28 2022
* Force a minimum popup height of 5 sidebar buttons (Issue #125)
* Fix searching for System Settings categories in Plasma 5.23+ (Issue #127)
* Fix Steam + Lutris Preset Tiles as the current workaround is getting removed in Qt6.
* Filter Default config keys in export tab based on updated ConfigAdvanced.
* Updated Dutch translation by @Vistaus (Pull Request #124)
Ratings & Comments
My great developer friend. Your complement has been helpful to me for years! However, unfortunately, the Garuda I use updated Plasma to version 6. Therefore, its plasmoid broke. Because it is no longer compatible. But your palmoid is more important to me than Plasma 6. I would love to have it working again. Thank you very much if you do this. Don't let this wonderful work be forgotten in the past.
10 Please let me know what I can do to help out. I am not a good coder, but getting somewhere these days. This menu is because it always has been the perfect menu to support everything I do on a daily basis. As all good things will pass, I want to help out making this one last as long as possible.
Wow, did you make it? I love this plasmoid so much. However, it has been several months since he broke my entire plasma 5 system. And I had to change launchers. Now with Plasma 6, I believe the return of this powerful menu is even further away.
10 10 the best
I want to rate this high because of how amazing it is, but will forgo a rating right now. There's a severe conflict with KDE in certain setups that turns your desktop blank and causes kde not to run a lot of it's services on restart/relog. The steps to reproduce are to put the TiledMenu in the upper left corner and turn the search field off. I have a complete log of the conflicts, but it's rather large to post here, so send me a DM if you're interested in seeing the log files. Just know that if you receive the blank desktop error from this widget, you can get out of it by using alt space to access krunner (it will take up to 10 seconds to respond) open a terminal and run rm -rf com.github.zren.tiledmenu. I got the conflicts to show up in log by using killall plasmashell then running plasmashell
9 Good customizable asset for those who want win10 styled app launcher. The only "problem" for me is that search box is wider than app tile (would probably look better if search box width was exactly the same as an app tile, and scroll bar would go straight to the bottom of the widget)
10 10 the best great work
it feels just like the Win10 Start Menu but better and more customizable, I missed having tiles when I moved from Windows to Linux, so this is definitely a great addition!
They are a big fan of the Metro style, for me the biggest revolution in computing since Windows 98. So ahead of its time that standard users (the mediocre ones) were unable to adapt to the gigantic leap. The Metro style revolution is as gigantic as the KDE4 area, which for me was another quantum leap. But this launcher is far from being as good as the one from Windows 8 or 10. However, it is the best we have in the Linux universe.
9 9 excellent
10 10 the best! ;some easy way to set the vertical bar, like in the picture https://i.imgur.com/sBKdERj.png
7 7 good search (i.e. direct open 'custom shortcuts' by typinig 'cus') but icons are nicer than tiles...
You can make the tile background transparent.
10 10 the best
4 To be honest, this is my most liked menu BUT!! With PLASMA 5.25 WAYLAND it BRICKS the desktop!! I got it to work by: alt space for the launcher and start terminal, killing the shell (`$ killall plasmashell`), resetting my shell settings (`$ rm ~/.config/plasma-org.kde.plasma.desktop-appletsrc`), restart pc (`$ shutdown -r 0`) The default menu works afaik.
10 10, I really like this launcher, as a Windows User. Amazing, keep it up!
10 I've been using TiledMenu for a long while. It's the most effective launcher so far.
very good
hi. I've been using this widget for years now, w/o any issues. Not sure what changed recently w/ some update, but tiled menus I keep in my Latte dock (as a sort of "stacks" widget) now open linked .desktop files in kate.. I tried searching for solutions, but nothing seems to work.. my .desktop files are set as executable and they run just fine from Dolphin ie. I keep them in a dedicated folder in my ~, so not in /user/share/applications, as some suggest. any ideas how to tackle this?
Does it happen in other app launchers like the default Application Launcher? Add it as a widget, don't select it from the alternatives.
hi, thank you for replying. I'm not really sure what you mean.. I do use it as the default launcher, albeit w/o tiles, in "Categories" view. on Latte dock I use it as "Tiles only" - these tiles, created by drag
..created by dragging .desktop files to them, will open said .desktop files in a text editor instead of launching them. where I put the widget makes no difference (dock, taskbar, desktop).. tiles stopped working for some reason.
very good, work
O melhor e mais completo menu! Muito customizável e responsivo.
10 Forgot to add a rating in my previous comment: TOP STUFF!