Available as/for:budgiecinnamondeepinelementarygnomekdelxdelxqtmatexfce
Description: There are all icons for programs from the repositories Ubuntu 16.04-18.04-18.10-19.04-19.10-20.04-20.10-21.04-21.10-22.04-22.10-23.04-23.10-24.04, LinuxMint 18.1-19-20-20.1-20.2-20.3-21-22, Arch, Fedora 27-28-29-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-40, OpenMandriva Lx 3.0-4.0-4.2-4.3-5, PCLinuxOS, Rosa 2016.1, Rosa 2021.1 FRESH 12, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, OpenSUSE Leap 15.0-15.6, Manjaro, Debian 9-10-11-12, Debian Sid, Atrix, AntiX, MX Linux, Deepin, Solus, Antergos, Mageia 7-7.1-8-9, Mageia Cauldron, CentOS 7-8-9, Astra Linux Orel, Astra Linux Smolensk 1.6-1.7.2- SE, ALT Linux Sisyphus p9-p10-p11, Slackware 14.2-15, ARCHLabs, Puias, Scientific, Linux Lite, Chakra, Kaos, Mops, Calculate Linux, Gentoo, EndlessOS 3.5, Sparkylinux, Bodhi, Backbox, Archstrike, FreeBSD 12-13-14, Peppermint 9, Parrot, OpenBSD 6.4-7.2, NetBSD-9, DragonFlyBSD, GosLinux IC3, Vine Linux, Kali, Trident, TrueOS, Garuda-linux, AlmaLinux 9, Rocky Linux 9, Redos 7.3.1-8, Nova 8, Slitaz, MSVSphere, Uncom OS, Ublinux, Void. RPM Sphere, GetDeb-PlayDeb, archive.ualinux, Part Spark store. 95% PPA launchpad, electronjs.org, flathub.org, appimage.github.io, snapcraft.io, ISO TOP 300 distrowatch.com.
70004 icons in apps. Script for 16858 not changed icons.
For slower computers - White chips-fast-safe-mode (for MATE, GNOME, XFCE) .
White chips too big, but it is ready to set the size of icons in 16-22-24-32-48px. Not for slower computers. Use it if you have problems with scaling icons in some programs. If there are no problems, it is best to take a White chips-fast-safe-mode.Last changelog:
9+Nice icon theme, unfortunately I get following message on KDE:
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/16/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/22/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/24/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/32/"
Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/48/"
Ratings & Comments
10 Incredible!
8 8 great
9 9 excellent very nice!
9 9 excellent
9 +
9 +Nice icon theme, unfortunately I get following message on KDE: Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/16/" Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/22/" Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/24/" Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/32/" Invalid Context= "Mimetypes" line for icon theme: "/home/awe/.local/share/icons/White-chips/mimetypes/48/"
Download White chips heavy for KDE.
good job,
9 Good work
There'e no file to download.
Download link in the text. I can not upload the theme to this site due to the very slow internet and disconnection.
Выглядит симпатично. А ссылки лучше на вкладке "Files" разместить, чтоб счётчик крутился =)