Aurorae Theme Engine
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
For creating themes it is recommended to use the Aurorae Designer (http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/AuroraeDesigner?content=122763).
Aurorae is a theme engine for KWin window decorations. A howto for creating themes can be found on http://techbase.kde.org/User:Mgraesslin/Aurorae
It was created with the idea of making KWin decorations as themeable as the Plasma desktop shell. Decoration and buttons are SVG files.
This theme engine requires KDE 4.3.
Packages are available for ArchLinux: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=27499
and the ebuild for Gentoo:
In Kubuntu Karmic Koala 9.10 Aurorae can be installed with the package kwin-style-aurorae.
Themes are available in the Aurorae category or can be downloaded directly via GHNS in the configuration module
* Restrict painting of the svg to the decoration. No need to paint behind the window as it isn't visible anyway.That seems to fix the most painfull performance issues with Aurorae. (svn rev 101133
* Do not hardcode the menu icon size (svn 1007235)
* GHNS (svn 100722
* Update window mask when compositing is suspended/resumed (svn 1003235)
* Configurable text shadow (svn 998382)
* Custom button width for each button type (svn 998257)
* Window mask is not calculated from SVG when compositing is active (svn 994961)
* Don't paint deco on other screen when window is maximized (svn 994960)
* added COPYING file
* synced source changes to rev 990494
add version to tar-ball
Ratings & Comments
10 10 the best -- this was merged in kwin can we have a new version for Plasma 6 ? something incredibly awesome?
9 +
9 +
how to install kde control module add-on installer
Hi, thx for making this great theme engine! But I have one question: how can I change the window title font? I use aurorae with radial-thin theme, but it doesn't follow my font settings from systemsettings. (kde 4.5.2, arch linux)
Same problem here cannot change the title window font to bold
Hi, Got a small problem. I'm using kde 4.4.4 (opensuse 11.3) and while using themes in Aurorae, the titlebar looks just as intended by the theme, but when I maximize a window, it suddenly changes. I tried a bunch of different theme, but get the same effect. See screenshots. Anyone knows how to fix this? As it should be http://img265.imageshack.us/img265/2816/screenie107.png Titlebar color change on maximize http://img828.imageshack.us/img828/2743/screenie108.png
Also same problem, seems the title bar goes thinner when full screen mode is activated
kubuntu 10.04 ....................... everything is OK mkdir build cd build cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` make sudo make install ....................... Up to this point kbuildsycoca4 ....................... I get the following message kbuildsycoca4 running... kbuildsycoca4(14348)/kdecore (services) KServicePrivate::init: The desktop entry file "/usr/share/applications/kde4/koffice.desktop" has Type= "Application" but no Exec line kbuildsycoca4(14348) KBuildServiceFactory::createEntry: Invalid Service : "/usr/share/applications/kde4/koffice.desktop" ....................... when I m selecting aurorae as a decorator the system configuration window crashes. ???
Please do not use the Aurorae version offered here. Aurorae is part of KWin since KDE SC 4.4! For 4.3 most distributions offer packages. This version here is completely outdated and unsupported!
Thanks I managed to set a theme from the system setting
I'm doubting this is possible, but I'll ask anyways :) I'm creating an old concept theme someone posted entitled "Olympic," you can search for it to find my work so far. I would like to have a sort of "overlay" on the top right corner and possibly a second on the left side as well, very similar how Plasma themes allow an overlay on widgets and panels. Is this currently possible in Aurorae, preferably not by including the "overlay" in buttons so that it doesn't get messed up if the buttons aren't in the right order? Thanks.
The Plasma overlay element should be supported. I never tested it, but Aurorae in general supports everything Plasma theming supports.
Is it possible to give the title bar text a blurred white shadow, as it is used in folderview (KDE 4.4)?
That's already implemented in trunk (aka 4.5)
Great theme engine, but I cannot close window when it is in fullscreen by just hitting right corner and clicking X, I have to precisely point it. Is it possible to get it that way like Oxygen and other decorators does?
It seems, ButtonWidthHelp=XX dont work, its always falls back to default, ButtonWidth=XX ButtonWidth- Minimize, MaximizeRestore and Close are working fine i´m using kde 4.4
Fixed with svn rev 1077223 and should be in RC 2. Thanks for pointing out that bug, but in future please use bugs.kde.org for Aurorae bugs ;-)
i would, if i had an account at bugs.kde.org ;-) but if it is easier for you, I will create an account and report bugs there :)
Please, tell us, what happened with the help, sticky, on top, etc. buttons?
Sorry, I do not get what you want to ask. The buttons are working fine, if the theme provides them.
the problem is that the themes don't seem to be providing them
How can i get this working with compiz fusion compositing? I'm using fusion-icon in archlinux
Aurorae has been developed for KWin and is part of the KDE SC 4.4. It relys on features provided by KWin. If it works with Compiz I don't know - I haven't tested. AFAIK Compiz supports the API required by Aurorae, but I do not know which version of Compiz is required, but "Fusion" is probably too old. Nevertheless the recommended window manager for Aurorae is KWin.
I just want to know if there is any documentation on how to make a theme for the aurorae theme engine.. thanks in advance.