Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
*Requires Plasma 5.9* Plasma Look and Feel theme inspired by Elementary
This theme will also install
-Plasma widget (Simple Menu)
-Aurorae (Elementary Luna)
-Color Scheme (Elementary Luna)
-Plasma theme (BreezeAlphaBlackNaked)
https://store.kde.org/p/1162930 Last changelog:
This theme will also install
-Plasma widget (Simple Menu)
-Aurorae (Elementary Luna)
-Color Scheme (Elementary Luna)
-Plasma theme (BreezeAlphaBlackNaked)
Fixed width of the panel
Ratings & Comments
8 8 great, I like it a lot!
hi, i install this themes and i like it alot, but there is a small problem window size wont fit. http://imgur.com/sjpYL5P
Hi! I am using manjaro plasma kde 5.9 , I was trying to install your theme in my system but I could`nt. I picked in the install button on "System Settings Add-On Installer" but when I return to "look and feel" window "ELplas" theme dose not appear. Is there another way to install new "look and fell" themes?
You can install it via terminal/konsole kpackagetool5 -i ELplas.tar.gz
It didn't work. konsole output: pluginname: "ELplas" Error: Installation of /tmp/ELplas.tar.gz failed: Could not install dependency: 'kns://colorschemes.knsrc/api.kde-look.org/1001720' I tried importing this color scheme https://store.kde.org/p/1001720 "Elementary Luna" and extract "ELplas.tar.gz" in /home/Myusername/.local/share/plasma/look-and-feel / Then I installed Elplas theme by system settings again and I could saw it, but when I apply the changes the top bar dosen`t appear . Thanks in advantage
This is a issue specific to pacman based distros. Already fixed in Arch and KaOS, you probably need to wait a bit so manjaro developers can fix it too
Thank you for your quick responses and for your splendid work! Have a nice day!
I'm working (and update) the elementary-kde icon theme (https://store.kde.org/p/1167075/) do you think it could be a good idea to add this icon theme to this look and feel package. Work also on a plasma theme (see github) but this may take some time.