My Home Conky
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This widget draws the Wired Conky interface
to display system information
Colored Bars + Distro Logo's
Running conky version is now 1.10.4 (gentoo amd64 stable version)
Conky version 1.10.x drive me nuts
Changes in function conky_wired_audacious_artist(), needed to scroll name of artist,
if artist or band name longer than space behind "Artist"
Must inserted 'if info.conkyversiondetection = "1.10" then, to work as requested
Almost all problems solved
Typo found in radiotray tab, section audacious if script run with conky 1.10.6_pre
Read .conkybasic_c110 , set xinerama_head = 0 if you have only one monitor
Minor cosmetic changes
Corrected behaviour in Processor tab
Added icon path detection (-:
Removed vlc player
too much complications, only local stored music work as aspected
Enhancement for audacious in radiotray tab
Added icon_path and logo_icon in settings section
set your path to your icons and set your distro logo
Changes in conky_wired_tab_netstuff
reduced high of this very small tab
Added conky_wired_tab_connections
show connections with domain names
Added show_cpu_details to Processor (cpu) tab
show cpu details display temperature as text or as bar
if show_cpu_temp_bar == yes then temperature as bar, otherwise just text
Added show_conky_version to Radiotray tab
detect your conky version to display in radiotray tab, underneath time and date.
Thanks to Moob for his help to solve -- get disk device names issue
If inserted and mounted a CD or DVD no more mess with following tabs
Problem has been solved.
Added vlc as standalone option in own tab
function image with description of parameter
added themes.cyan
Added VLC Media Player detection in Radiotray tab
In Radiotray tab are now Audacious, Rhythmbox, VLC + Radiotray
unfortunately radiotray is no longer in gentoo repository.
pasted Moob's rhythmbox section back in to listen to my favorit radio stations.
rhythmbox located in radiotray tab
enhanced comments, corrected Storage code (color issue)
14-02-2017 20:15
Added tiny little icons in upper left corner of all tabs except system tab
switchable with show_tiny_icons = "yes" or "no"
Added icon = {} and icon.path = "/home/yourname/.icons/" in -- global variables
change path to your icons to your need
image call for tiny icons: image({x=x+6,y=y+onebarheight-17,h=15,w=15,file=icon.path.."cpu_icon.png"})
y=y+onebarheight do the trick that logo's stay inside tab
14-02-2017 15:55
changes in system + radiotray tab, logo's will stay inside selected tab
image call radiotray: image({x=x+40,y=y+onebarheight,h=64,w=64,file="/home/yourname/.icons/logo-tux.png"})
tux logo display in middle of radiotray tab if radiotray not playing and show_distro_logo = "yes",
instead of the clock.
image call system: image({x=x+6,y=y+onebarheight-12,h=24,w=24,file="/home/yourname/.icons/logo-tux.png"})
tux logo display in left upper corner in system tab, if show_system_logo = "yes"
fixed issue of percentage, text sometimes outside of tab processes
prevent to overflow the box
Added function image to add distro logo in radiotray + system tab
show logo instead of clock inside radiotray tab. Or you can
call it with: image({x=100,y=26,h=20,w=20,file="/home/yourname/.icons/logo-gentoo.png"})
this is a tiny logo inside system tab, tinker around with the values
check PATH of logo's, you have to edit it.
changes in conky_wired_hdd_bar.
removed wrong entry in -- display percentage value
set to: cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,red,green,blue,alpha)
Code overhaul in functions conky_display_hdd, conky_wired_bar
and conky_wired_hdd_bar. Solved font, size and color issues
removed in function conky_display_hdd
--> cairo_show_text(cr,conky_parse("${diskio /dev/"..disk.."}"))
--> cairo_show_text(cr,"I/O")
because it destroys tabs if cd or dvd is mounted
added <-- cairo_show_text(cr,disk_perc_used.."%") to show
percentage of used disk
fixed some issues in storage tab, still messed if cd or dvd is mounted.
gentoo network device is /dev/enp2s0 on my computer.
cleaning up small things. added comments
if storage_details = no and show_storage_color = yes
then storage tab has colored bars
changes in conky_wired_tab_cpu
added colored bars, from conkylines, for all bars
small changes in memory tab, netstuff tab
added new stuff storage_details, network_details, memory_details
Ratings & Comments
The X ,just checking. I made the icon. Enjoy to all
nice work, thats why i'm using it. thanks
thank you enjoy
Do you want the .svg image of the icon you are using for Conky ?
which one ? the X or gentoo logo No not really, thanks