Nice gaps between snapped windows... Flat square design... RGapsBlend and RGapsBlendNoButtons use the color scheme of the active GTK theme... RGapsBlack and RGapsBlackNoButtons variants are perfect if you want to make the windows semi-transparent... New addition: RGapsLine and RGapsLineNoButtons outlined variants. Border and gap width reduced by 2-px...
I used oomox for generating different color schemes:Last changelog:
1.2 Update: Button offset adjusted. Fixed some bugs (LOL ). Corrected few errors. Added new variants (RGapsLine and RGapsLineNoButtons) with narrower border and gaps.
Hey hey, very nice theme. Using it with mythos gtk theme, nice and dark.
Just one thing, it seems like I can't resize the windows upwards with the mouse. The upper edges are ungrabbable except at the diagonals. Minor issue though.
Thanks for using RGaps!
I apologise for the late reply, too busy at work and overtime, hehehe.
Thanks for pointing out this issue. I will look into that when time permits and upload a fixed version when finished.
Again, thank you for using RGaps!
Ratings & Comments
Hey hey, very nice theme. Using it with mythos gtk theme, nice and dark. Just one thing, it seems like I can't resize the windows upwards with the mouse. The upper edges are ungrabbable except at the diagonals. Minor issue though. Cheers.
Hi! Thanks for using RGaps! I apologise for the late reply, too busy at work and overtime, hehehe. Thanks for pointing out this issue. I will look into that when time permits and upload a fixed version when finished. Again, thank you for using RGaps!