This theme just work (tested) on GTK-3.22 or later and has been test on the latest Debian Buster 10.1 version (see screenshot sections).
Packages on this theme, are available is:
-- Metacity (updated for the latest version)
-- Xfwm4 (updated for xfce-4.14)
For window button layout, By default is in right side. But, if you wanna change it to other side and back again to normal option,
Here is how to do that :
To Add the window buttons layout to the left side option, open a terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout "close,maximize,minimize:"
To Add the window buttons layout to the right side, When you want to revert in normal option, open a terminal:
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.wm.preferences button-layout ":minimize,maximize,close"
That it's......Enjoy!!
*Donations :
Thanks for your donations!
Ratings & Comments
gagal fokus ama device name, hmei7
@parsival Apresiasi Anda terhadap sebuah karya, Jauh lebih penting daripada sebuah nama :) Terimakasih!
Need a gnome-shell "Gnome-Xpro"
@Michst indeed! Gnome Shell are in progress and i hope ready to testing on Gnome GTK-3.34 released, Be patience :)
9 9 excellent Really great, thanks!
@fblais many thanks bro.......enjoy!
9 9 excellent
@sphera thank you somuch bro :)
9 9 excellent
Thank you somuch for your rate @Michst
9 good theme
Many thanks @danijo enjoy!
Hello. I really liked this theme. I am new to Linux and would like to know if it is compatible with Linux Mint. Sorry for my english, I'm from Brazil and I'm using Google Translate. Thank you!
@JMarcos if you use Linux Mint Xfce its working great on it :) No problem bro and thank for you comment :)
Beautiful theme, but can try Geeqie 1.3 image viewer, A lot of thing is missing? scroolbar...
Many thanks @ticoon I never use Geeqie because I use "Nomacs" for main image viewer. But....I'll try it and fixed that issue in the next update for Gnome-Shell too. Thanks for your feedback, appreciated it!
Really nice work. I will surely look at this in the next few days. The wallpaper is nice too lol. I created several of them in this series :) http://charlie-henson.deviantart.com/art/Flat-Tarmac-Wallpaper-Origins-504186556
Thanks @Charliehenson, I hope you like this theme too :) Hahahahaa.....Iam forget where I get that wallpaper :) Will check your series because I love that wallpaper lol!
yeah, those wallpapers are certainly nice.....