Green for SuSE
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© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
What about a Breeze Dark variant? ;)
Hi @jerrymclinux. I like your KDE style. I use Kubuntu 16.04. How can I set my KDE style like this all desktop style? Which do you use KDE theme, dock and how can I download this breeze colors. I'm beginner for KDE. Thanks.
Looks great, but could you give some instructions on how to use it? I get all windows with the same color, instead of a color depending on the application... Thank you!!
Right-click on a window titlebar, under the "more options menu", you can configure it under the "Special Application Settings" Under appearance and fixes, there is something that says Titlebar color scheme. Check it on. Configure it to "force" and then select the proper theme. You can then set the rest of the system back to breeze.
9 Very cool!