Now in development state.
Thank you all who leave a positive feedback, it's really motivating to work not just only for myself!

And need to say: I'm proud of myself. Didn't see any OS X theme for linux that have so good quality, even for it's own presentation. If you think that I just self-praise - there is a reason, right?
Ratings & Comments
10 FINALLY somebody made a good OS X theme for GNOME. I have been looking for a Mac OS X 10.8/10.9 GTK3 style for my 2013 MacBook Air (never updated, still on 10.8.5 Mountain Lion) after upgrading to Manjaro Linux, and this works perfectly. I like the detail put into the buttons and "traffic light" window controls. It looks almost exactly like 10.9/10.8, pixel to pixel. Going to use this for a long time.
It would be great if this was on GitHub, so that this theme could then be downloaded via BASH Scripts, as I'd love to be able to grab this theme with an automated script, but GNOME Look consistently changes the download link for all the posts on this website, so I can't do it while it's on here...
Oh, right. Sorry, didn't realise GitHub Links are at the top of the page, nevermind.
There is GitHub link, it is right below Title and Category.
If only GTK had a way to center notebook tabs :|
It would be wonderful :)
This theme looks GREAT, but could you add a Metacity Theme on top of the current package, and a Cinnamon Theme too? Otherwise, great theme!
I don't familiar with metacity or cinnamon, sorry.
This is a beautifully made theme! I don't know if you use Geary for email, but if you do; please notice a kind of strange gray bar in the lower left where the progress indicator is located. E
Your link is broken but I get what you mean, this thing named .statusbar in gtk.css, you can make it transparent by removing all background-image's in classes with this name, but then in e.g. Gedit's bottom it will look different from Mac and not so pretty.
Thanks for the very quick response, and sorry about the link. I understand what you're saying, and it's not enough to mess with. It just looked different from the other themes I'd used in the past. I'll just consider this "Thinking Different". ;-) I'm really happy to find a non-flat theme AND one with animated effects! Please keep up the great work!
Haha, "thinking different" is what I didn't noticed before. It's really interesting coincidence.
is this theme compatible with Mate?
Give it a try. But obviously not/partialy.
Thank you very much! I'm a huge fan of this great theme. Not too fond of all this flat madness. This one looks perfect on my Fedora Workstation 26 \o/ Greetings from the Netherlands.
Good to hear it's working on other distros.
Brilliant theme! Best of all, of all last MacOs, it looked exactly Maverick. Thank you bro! Hi from Odessa!
Спасибо за фидбэк, привет из Мариуполя :)
gtk3 theme looks nice (one of the best). gnome-shell theme not so nice because it forces some fonts, sizes and icons to be used... too much css unnecessary css tweaks
You wan't to have half of OS X interface style or full clone? Because this project directed to 2'th.
when i say "it forces some fonts, sizes and icons to be used" i'm talking about than i cant change the huge icons and fonts... it gets disporporcional... had to change a lot in your css. Taking this its the best OSX theme i ever see... keep it going. :)
>cant change the huge icons and fonts And it was conceived. So that anybody does not make look anything wrong.
>had to change a lot in your css Apparently did not help.
top panel in this new update doesn't look so good.. the font's too big now. also none of the browsers looks good
If you mention fonts in your comment you need to also leave a link to screenshot. It's not my fault that most browsers typically use .menubar background-image as tabs bg.