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© 2025 - Eyecandy for your XFCE-Desktop
All rights reserved. All trademarks are copyright by their respective owners. All contributors are responsible for their uploads.
Ratings & Comments
9 Great theme man! Normally I have to do all by myself to get it green, but now you saved me some time, thanks!
Hello, I like this theme so much. I downloaded but I just can change the bars thru Windows-Manager, I can't change xfce theme at all. What am I doing wrong?
9 Very Nice
Currently using the Vamox Mate icon set, very nice, will continue playing with it.
This works just fine, I only installed it to see what the previous 3 posts were about, but it extracted & works well, it's so nice I'm gonna keep it for a while, looking for a matching icon set now.
They don't even work when the stupid .tar.bz2/gz is added via GUI, this is utter bullshit & a waste of my time, thanks.
i am not use a gui archiver . i am using LFS based distro , so i use a terminal to extrack tar -xf archive.tar*
The only good-looking themes don't even work???? WTF??? -.- get your shit together, how ridiculous.
Not even your tar.gz's work! WTF! How do you expect anyone to use this????