Source i (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Reuse plasma translations (by Krzysztof Korab)
* Allow customization of application shortcuts (by Krzysztof Korab)
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Ratings & Comments
10 Neat, clean... Amazing! (missing only the option to change the session shortcut: lock screen, sleep..etc! I never use sleep, I would prefer a logout and/or reboot!^^) Thanks a lot dude
I installed this on a fresh KUBUNTU 20.04.1 KDE and I got this error. Error loading QML file: file:///home/zzzz/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.uswitcher/contents/ui/main.qml:20:1: module "QtQml" version 2.14 is not installed. How can I solve this issue and install the missing dependency?
Seems inactive. After trying many times with both 1.2.5
Sorry for the late response (I have a crazy time right now). For versions > 1.2.4 Qt 5.14 is needed. So I restored v1.2.4 - you should try it.
10 10 the best
10 Excellent.
10 10 the best
9 9 excellent! Add icon for "New Session" ("system-switch-user"), change the icon for "Suspend" to "system-suspend", change "Leave..." to "Log Out.." (as well as its icon), and finall also add "Reboot" and "Shutdown" items (with corresponding icons), then you have 100% perfection. Thanks to open source I have achieved this already. ;-) Thank you very much!
Could you create merge request on gitlab?
OK, I've created my first ever "merge request". Please check if I've done it right. ;-)
Thanks, I will check it in free time :) I think showing additional buttons (reboot...) should be optional - with some setting to enable
Maybe... Simple Menu widget displays these two icons only, even without tooltip - which is extreme. ;-)
I'm not very sure if we should say "Reboot" or "Restart"...
Maybe "Restart the Computer" and "Shutdown the Computer" will be clearer.
9 9 can you add a shutdown/poweroff button?
To clarify, I have "no confirmation asked" set and the "Leave..." button logins me out immediately.
1. Open "~/.local/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.uswitcher/contents/ui/main.qml" 2. Modify this line as follows: + suspendButton.height + leaveButton.height + rebootButton.height + shutdownButton.height 2. Finally modify the following last lines, save the file, log out and back in: ListDelegate { id: leaveButton text: i18nc("Show a dialog with options to logout/shutdown/restart", "Leave...") highlight: delegateHighlight icon: "system-log-out" onClicked: pmEngine.performOperation("requestShutDown") } ListDelegate { id: rebootButton text: i18nc("Reboot the computer", "Restart") highlight: delegateHighlight icon: "system-reboot" onClicked: { executable.exec("qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 1 3"); } } ListDelegate { id: shutdownButton text: i18nc("Shutdown the computer", "Shutdown") highlight: delegateHighlight icon: "system-shutdown" onClicked: { executable.exec("qdbus org.kde.ksmserver /KSMServer logout 0 2 3"); } } } } }
9 +
Please, add "system monitor" (ksysguard) entry!
It's there :)
Thank you!
The page for github is invalid. I would like to translate this add-on to my language. how can I do this? thanks!
Link is valid now. Unfortunately i have no time to work on translations support :/
9 +
9 +neat