Sticky Window Snapping
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Ratings & Comments
10 best of what i used so far
What's the reason I don't find this script available for download (hence not available in Manjaro)?
9 +With a force all windows to not be minimize, the best script for window tiling.
The min size for a window is kinda annoying. Can you put something to configure that? I can't even see website's widescreen layouts because of it. I thought I could bypass it by setting a .* min size rule for every window but didn't work. Anyway, great script. It's the best out there.
NVM that. Can do that by chaging the Divider bounds. +1
9 +The best tiling script for kwin. Respects and conforms with a lot of default kwin shortcuts and rules. Also works great whether using a keyboard or mouse (or mix) focused workflow.
Umm what happened to this script? It is no longer available for download.
You could download it here? As far as I know, I only put some basic info here and a link to my GitHub where you'll find the installation instructions
Yes it used to be available to download here as far as I remember. Maybe I am incorrect int that.
wine, overwatch, kcalc, flameshot, yakuake, systemsettings5, screenkey, vokoscreen, albert, kazam, krunner, ksmserver, lattedock, pinentry, Plasma, plasma, plasma-desktop, plasmashell, plugin-container, simplescreenrecorder This is a good list of ignored clients. It also make sure that things like adding applets to panels still works.
I wanted to keep the default list as small as possible, not everyone will have yakuake installed for example, the current default list with clients that are always ignored are "ksmserver, krunner, lattedock, Plasma, plasma, plasma-desktop, plasmashell, plugin-container". The UI allows you to add more applications to be ignored if the user has more installed than the bare minimum that comes with a plasma installation.
I got these from another kwin script and they really seemed to help make the adding applets that pops out from the left work correctly. That is a good question since I basically copied this from another script how do I really tell the name of what I want to ignore. So in this case it would be when I right click on the panel, then panel options and click add widget. The window that pops out on the left side of the screen for all the widgets how would I even tell what the name of that app is so I can intelligently ignore it rather than just copy a bunch of stuff that may not be needed.
I wrote a small KWin script to check client names of applications but I'm sure there is a more user-friendly way to find out the client name of an application, sadly I don't know of any but I'm sure someone on the KDE forums or Reddit can help you with that. (You'll also notice that some applications have very inconsistent client names, for example the client name of gimp is gimp2.10 for example and thus has the version name in it, while normally most applications only have the actual name of the application.)
My only thought is maybe like quarter tiling you need an option to send to another desktop with shortcut key in the application.
this is the global shortcut that you're looking for: Grid-Tiling: Move *Left/Up/Down/Right* Desktop Desktop numbers are currently not supported yet, only directional
Yeah I found kwin rules and needed the border toggle option to learn that only problem I am having now is that windows shift back to a desktop for some reason. I will share a video of what is happening
That is because at the moment moving clients from one virtual desktop to the other is only supported through the 'Grid-Tiling' global shortcuts. In other words, the default KWin buttons to move clients from one virtual desktop to another are not supported. In the future I plan to let the script support the default KWin shortcuts to move clients between virtual dekstops but currently I'm a bit busy. This ticket describes what you observe
Glad you found the shortcut :) I don't understand what you mean by "when this is off the windows don't stack" and regarding your devilspie comment, I've never used i3wm or devilspie but from a quick google I believe KWin rules are what you're after if you want the KDE equivalent of devilspie but I may be wrong.
Nevermind on the border piece I just found the option in Global Shortcuts. Forgive me I am just getting use to kde and all the different places to configure things.
Also is there a way to force borders on temporarily. This is only needed for when I need to configure the application to do a certain action via kwin window rules. Its easier to already have the application running to configure it rather than figuring everything out from scratch. I see there is a no border option in the config which works. However when this is off the windows don't stack as they are configure to this option has to be on for some reason for everything to work right.
Can you add the ability to open certain programs in certain windows like devilspie. This i3wm allows this functionality as well.
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