Description: My version of the Simple RSS Reader widget. The original can be found here:
The most notable chance includes support for media thumbnails, which have a customizable size and you can choose between square and round shape. Background and text colors are also managed by the Plasma theme and system color scheme, while the header color remains customizable. The RSS feed can be refreshed on demand by clicking a button in the upper-right corner of the plasmoid.
Like the original, this widget is licensed under the GPL license. The original widget was created by Andreas Loos, the modifications in this version were made by Mircea Kitsune.Last changelog:
0.1: Initial release.
0.2: Get rid of the reload button, it was ugly and buggy more than it was helpful.
Sounds like an issue with the store? If you're talking about the option not showing in the system tray, I've had that too a while ago, IIRC it requires KDE to refresh some cache to see it.
No trace of it in the add widget items after reboot. Still KDE shows it is installed (Discover, Add widgets -> Get New Widgets …). I had installed Simple RSS Widget as well and it worked until I decided to remove both of them and reinstall. RSS Widget still shows installed (offers to uninstall) while Simple RSS is removed. It seems it is somewhere untouchable. What is the mechanism of plasma hookup?
Strange. It shows up for me, no problems here. Must be some other issue with Plasma: I'd suggest asking on the KDE forums or reporting the issue on the bug tracker. Sorry I can't help more.
It gives "Plasma::Package::installPackage: Could not register package as service" error. I sense this will necessarily have (fatal) consequences on the other side.
Hello! I like your widget very much. Would it be possible to have more than one feed per widget? (Maybe in a future version.) I just moved from Plasma 4 to Plasma 5 and I miss my multi-feed widget "Latest News" badly. :(
Hi. Thank you and glad that you like! Such a feature is currently not planned: It goes a bit beyond what I know how to do with QML and would take some of effort to implement. You can place multiple widgets on the desktop to achieve this behavior, which makes this less urgent for the time being.
Thank you very much for your quick and kind response. Yes, I could place multiple widgets on the desktop, but I that would only be practical for 2-4 feeds with daily content. But alas, I also read a good number of feeds that only post weekly or even monthly on an irregular basis. Since I only have room for 1-2 small columns at the left and right of my main applications, I am severely restricted in the number of RSS widgets I can see at the same time.
By now, I'm so desparate for a multiple feed widget that I'm thinking about learning XML and Plasma 5 widget creation myself, even though I have next to no experience in coding aside from some very basic bash scripting.
Ratings & Comments
Could you add an option to reverse the order?
8 Simple and useful. Thanks.
RSS Widget does not show in add widget items but plasma shows it is installed. What is the problem?
Sounds like an issue with the store? If you're talking about the option not showing in the system tray, I've had that too a while ago, IIRC it requires KDE to refresh some cache to see it.
No trace of it in the add widget items after reboot. Still KDE shows it is installed (Discover, Add widgets -> Get New Widgets …). I had installed Simple RSS Widget as well and it worked until I decided to remove both of them and reinstall. RSS Widget still shows installed (offers to uninstall) while Simple RSS is removed. It seems it is somewhere untouchable. What is the mechanism of plasma hookup?
Strange. It shows up for me, no problems here. Must be some other issue with Plasma: I'd suggest asking on the KDE forums or reporting the issue on the bug tracker. Sorry I can't help more.
It gives "Plasma::Package::installPackage: Could not register package as service" error. I sense this will necessarily have (fatal) consequences on the other side.
Hello! I like your widget very much. Would it be possible to have more than one feed per widget? (Maybe in a future version.) I just moved from Plasma 4 to Plasma 5 and I miss my multi-feed widget "Latest News" badly. :(
Hi. Thank you and glad that you like! Such a feature is currently not planned: It goes a bit beyond what I know how to do with QML and would take some of effort to implement. You can place multiple widgets on the desktop to achieve this behavior, which makes this less urgent for the time being.
Thank you very much for your quick and kind response. Yes, I could place multiple widgets on the desktop, but I that would only be practical for 2-4 feeds with daily content. But alas, I also read a good number of feeds that only post weekly or even monthly on an irregular basis. Since I only have room for 1-2 small columns at the left and right of my main applications, I am severely restricted in the number of RSS widgets I can see at the same time. By now, I'm so desparate for a multiple feed widget that I'm thinking about learning XML and Plasma 5 widget creation myself, even though I have next to no experience in coding aside from some very basic bash scripting.
9 TY!